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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for the feedback (and sorry for the late reply!). The falling after you win is something I can definitely fix and is probably the source of the bug like you said. Really happy you played it through twice and very grateful for the tip. Motivating me to come back to this game and keep working on it :)

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I can't believe I I didn't come across this game during the submission period, but I I just played the whole game until the end and WOW! This is fantastic in every way. Super polished with no bugs, a really fun and unique game mechanic (it took me a minute to figure out the best way to play wasn't to think of the turn as your method of movement so much as to envision what tangential "circle" on the map you wanted to proceed with), the art, sound design and awesome creepy atmosphere were all top notch. I loved that the game had an intro, boss and ending, as well. Just like last year, you never make any compromises with delivering the full experience. Incredible and only sorry I only found out about it after the submission period was already over 😭

(2 edits)

Hey, you're Clark Padmore--you won last year's Jam! Thanks so much, the praise means a lot coming from you since your winning entry was also a puzzle game with awesome retro art. I learned a lot playing your game. And extra thank you for playing to the end and even copping the high score! There were a couple things that made the game harder than I intended, so I don't blame some players from stopping midway through. Cheers! 

Sorry, I forgot to use the Game Jam 5 tag, but I've done that now! Here's the link:
I'll also add it to the itch page description :)

This was a lot of fun! Like one of those old school bullet hell games with the upgradable guns like Raiden, but top down. I loved the feeling of collecting the energy and getting stronger and the animations of the enemies were super cute. Good job! 

This was a lot of fun! Lots of cool bells and whistles for a Jam game that I really appreciated like the little emotes my ship would do, the fact that there were classes and color options and even the upgrade menu and roulette (I don't actually know how I accessed the upgrade menu and couldn't bring it back up to make my ship even faster). But most importantly, every main aspect of the game just felt good and worked! Nicely done! Will be back after I've gone and rated some more games to deliver the rest of the pies :D !

The attack is really fun to throw (and sometimes you get like a powered up version? That's cool!). After you kill the bat things though, I wasn't sure what to do. Anyway, what was there was quite fun and with a bit of polish this could a really fun sidescrolling shooter! Good job

This is actually really fun! Of course there's only one level now, so there's not a lot else to give feedback on, but I wanted to keep playing after I got the right angle to hit the goal! This is a great foundation for a game--keep on creating!

This was fun! I got a decently sized tower going because the triangle pieces fit so well together even when you're scampering to get the carrots down while you're being swarmed by enemies. I actually began throwing carrots at the enemies to push them back instead of just tapping them to buy me more time to build sometimes, too. There's a lot of hidden depth in here (not to mention the random moon and tree blocks as well!). Nice entry! 

Thank you so much for playing and for the detailed feedback. Those are great ideas! I was considering different glasses with different centers of gravity but pouring a drink would be so much for fun and unique! And the ability to control the hands when you want to try a different maneuver could be the thing to get the game over the edge to unlock a new level of complexity. Thank you again so much! 

Thank you!

Omg I can't believe I didn't check that option! Just changed it, thanks for pointing that out! That would have helped a couple players who ad trouble with the window size.

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This was a lot of fun! Took a second to get accustomed to the attack since there are a few startup frames, but once you understand, it becomes really good fun timing the attack just right to juice the slimes. And there were lots of other little bits of polish I appreciated like different end screens for when you time out versus when you get killed by the monsters (loved the cute fat slime!). Mobile controls, the replenishing life and UI were all really good. Well done! 

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This is great! Definitely one of those "one more try" kind of games and I ended up probably playing more than twenty times! Lots of good design decisions here: the time before the platforms fall is enough for players to react to them. Making sure the dash is balanced with the cool down bar. Not insta dying from the gaming blocks and getting knocked was probably more annoying to program than just losing the level right away, but it's so much more fair and fun that way. And the inclusion of the mobile controls allowed to me to play while I'm on the road! 

I enjoyed playing this as an auto runner basically holding the stick down to the right and using the dash to quickly pass under the falling bricks while jumping from platform to platform and it was really fun that way. Really fun game overall! 

Thank you so much for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed the game (and especially the music!). Level eight definitely needs a rework and sometimes the final balancing act on the umbrella doesn't seem to work properly. Thanks for pointing out the screen issue as well, that's a problem I always have in jams and I thought I figured out what was causing it, but clearly not. I'll need to do some testing to clean that up. Cheers again! 

Thank you so much! 

Thank you so much! A lot of players have mentioned the difficulty is a bit of a hurdle and I think some tweaking with the values in the physics engine might be able to make it a bit easier to recover and stabilize. Appreciate the feedback and so glad you liked the graphics and audio--probably the parts that I spent the most time on this jam 😊

Thank you so much for your really kind praise and feedback! A few folks have had the zoom problem, so I'm going to try to get to the bottom of that and find out what's causing it. The arm getting stuck behind the glass or sometimes not coming out at all in the beginning is a bug I ran into as well when I was replaying after I'd submitted, so now I know it's not just a one off thing and needs to be fixed, cheers! 

And I'm so happy you liked the game and the mechanics. Fine line between fun and frustrating, and while I know it's quite challenging for some players, I'm glad you enjoyed it! 

I'm so glad you're playing again! I haven't encountered that problem so I'm not sure how to fix it or what's causing it, but a few people seem to have the same issue so I'm going to try to figure out what's wrong! Apparently, natively zooming out in the browser itself is the only fix right now 😥

Wow, that's such high praise! Thank you so much for playing. Once I decided the hands were going to stretch and come in from the side, I figured it had to be something like an octopus to make visual sense 😅

Thank you so much! Means the world! 

I know how it is! I'll definitely play the new version when you drop it! 

WOW! I knew to expect something unique and fun from you, but I had no idea GDevelop even had the functionality to do the Mario Kart time trial style ghost thing. Jaw dropped and it really makes you feel so much more motivated to win fast than just trying to beat a number. Of course, the UI was great and the gameplay was clean too. The only thing I thought was that sometimes I felt like I wouldn't get my max height jump off and I wasn't sure what was the determining factor. But otherwise, I was super invested and this was one of the most fun entries because of the ramped up competition against other player! Fantastic! 

Totally amazing game! Really good level design, very clean and polished (didn't encounter a single (unintentional) bug, which is rare for Game Jams when there's so little time to test), and easy to follow both the story and gameplay. Another rare thing is a boss battle and this one was so good! Challenging but not annoyingly difficult. Good blend of storytelling and gameplay, too. Played this one all the way to the end. Also, I liked smashing the blocks with x. Great entry!!

This is a tricky one, but fun, nice graphics (cute designs after my own heart!) and lots of fun polish like the title screen and the death screen as well. Good job!

This is an awesome game after my own heart. Nice clean presentation, perfect for mobile, and simple, intuitive gameplay. And clearly you spent time giving your game the polish it deserves like when it zooms out to accommodate higher stacks. Well conceived and well done. Was never able to get a crazy stack like you're showing in your screenshots, but had a good time pushing my cargo ship to its limits. 

This was a great entry. At first I didn't understand what I needed the flip for, but the level design is really good, so gradually as you're just jumping and pressing the flip button just because you realize the leverage it can give you and how and when it is necessary to progress. A very subtle feature but very rewarding when you can pull it off. Making your platformer unique without making the new feature feel like a pain to use can be difficult and you absolutely pull it off. That being said, you're right, I didn't finish the game because it got too hard for me. But I loved what I played!

The walk cycle of the character is great and I love how you were able to get so much emotion out of such a simple drawing. I thought for a moment that it had glitched and I was stuck in a loop when I noticed the surroundings were gradually changing. That was a really cool effect! And I think eventually, I DID get stuck because I didn't find all the pieces, but it was a fun artsy experience anyway. Good job! 

Liked the 2D sprite running in the 3D world! Fun platformer with a reasonable length. Good controls and totally on theme! Good job! 

Love point and clicks and the art is this one is top notch, too! Like some others said, there was a little bit of difficulty interacting with the world for me. I felt really good when I used the nail and opened the spare stable, but it just seemed to take me back to an area I had already visited before. I know that of course everything is all planned out and each item has its use, but the deadline of a Game Jam is very harsh so it couldn't come together quite as cleanly as you would have wanted. But even so, I can tell there's a lot here and I really enjoyed checking out the art and rooms, looking at Duncan's angry face and getting a couple of the items to work. Good job! 

Visual style is awesome and the controls are tight. It was a little tricky to do both the mouse controls and the platforming on the fly, but once you get the hang of it, it can be really fun and satisfying. Good storytelling and emotional threads woven in as well. Good job!

Amazing visual style and love the mix of visual and aural storytelling. Sometimes it was hard to hear the narration over the music and getting sent back to the start of the level felt punishing sometimes, but this was such a stunning game and everything worked together to deliver a great emotional experience. Great job! 

This was good fun! I liked stacking my dishes up really high and then navigating the gauntlet! The running guy felt a little too fast to react to, but other than that, it was fair and fun! My favorite part was getting the critic review at the game over screen. Very clever and funny! Good job! 

Probably the best visuals (or at the very least top 3) in the Jam! Great job. Love little narrative based games and while I wish I could just choose my dialog options normally I understand it's in the unstable theme of the Jam and this was lots of fun! Plus, even when you die, you're treated to some cool animations. Good job (And oddly terrifying screams)!

This was a good first game! Controls were nice and tight and I always felt in control of the character. Like other commenters are saying, dying sending you back to the title was a bit harsh since some levels probably necessitate learning their layout (like that there's a ghost at the start of level two, or that the platform on three rapidly accelerates). Still, it was fun enough that I replayed it from the start more than a couple times to see how far I could go. Good job!

I like games like this and I swear I'm going into the right rooms (red on top, green on the right, blue on the bottom, right?) and hitting the repair button, but I keep getting an instant game over whenever I repair the red or blue reactors for some reason. I think there's a fun, hectic game in here but I can't seem to get it to work for me. Still good job for what you have! 

Nice layout, consistent visual style and good looking level designs. It's a bit more Sonic than Mario with the acceleration, but should be a simple fix with a bit of fine tuning. But I know for jams there's never enough time to iron out every wrinkle. Good job!

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Such a great idea and implementation of the theme (unstable prices, weather conditions etc)! Managed to get a day with onions selling for -.50 cents and arbitraged myself into infinite wealth haha. I know you said you only had two days, so probably a lot of refinements had to be left on the cutting room floor, but with just a bit of UI and quality of life additions this could be a FANTASTIC casual game. A graph showing the price changes of each crop and upgrades/items a la cookie clicker, for instance. Still, even with the limited development time, great entry! (Although, curse you for destroying all my crops via storm).

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One of the best interpretations of the theme and a totally unique gameplay style! I think that the game's physics are probably a bit TOO realistic, and once the platform's tilt crosses a certain threshold, it seems like it doesn't matter how much weight you throw on the other side, it's just going to tip. A little bit of idiot proofing like maybe a static pin that keeps the middle of the platform stable for some parts of the game or something like that might be the key to balancing the difficulty imo. Or maybe I'm just bad at the game lol. Anyway, enjoyable game with a great concept! Nice work!

Fun little precision platformer! Nice incorporation of the unstable theme with the glitching out stage graphics, and the little flair with the zoom in when you complete levels, too. I like this idea of micro levels of platforming and thought this would be a cool idea for a whole game of little bite sized platforming levels (even without the time limit). Cool concept and good controls!