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Chapter five: A rather interesting 'training' technique type

" Dreamkit, are you ready to head out of camp? " Charmingheart asked politely around the other warriors. " Uhhh, it's Dreampaw and uhhh, yes! " Dreampaw replied. " Oh, please excuse my manners. You were so cute when you were young! Well, let's not waste anytime and go now. " she mew as she signaled Dreampaw to get out of camp. " First things first, " she chirped gracefully, padding out of camp with the young apprentince. " Let's go explore the fields. " She said so the warrior and apprentince ran out onto the plains. " Heh, Dreampaw, Dreampaw... " Charmingheart snickered. " You are far too young to die but I must do what the Dark Forest saids... " She saids darkly. " W-What..? " Dreampaw saids, flattening her ears onto her neck. " It's time you go! " Charmingheart saids, lifting a paw and scratching Dreampaw on the body. Dreampaw quickly ran fast but Charmingheart was faster so she pounced at Dreampaw and was about to scratch open her thoat until a patrol found them. " What are you doing with my future ma- I mean, Dreampaw?! " Roared Coyotepaw. (Apprentinces can go on patrol too if you didn't know) " Traini- " She saids, about to lie to Coyotepaw but Dreampaw inturrupted her. " HELP! SHE'S TRYING TO MURDER ME! " she yowled out loud as tears rolled down the side of her head. " Coyotepaw, go tell Cloudstar, I will stay here along with the other warriors. Tell him that Charmingheart is a traitor! " Hissed Tigerstripes, Coyotepaw straight away disappeared far off into the misty and cloudy distance. " No! it's not what you think! " yowled and hissed Charmingheart. They all went back to the clans and had to cats besides her along the way to make sure she doesn't cause anymore harm.