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A member registered May 29, 2024

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how do yall get kits? I already have a mate btw

where is cur

Man I havent played this in a long time

Is it just me or did I JUST miss 3 new update

shall I make a story about my oc

how did i not think of that ty lol

OH I swapped the names around srry lol but i think lizardsneak is working with sandstripe

poor mossy

and i think lizard sneak (the brown tabby) helped kill the leader

yes, she gets killed by sun(i forgot prefix) and then sun(blah) becomes sunstar


go back to minecraft enderman cat lol

Is it ' I like to oneshot snakes? " I play Mossy's cursed games lol

how do u post pictures of ur gameplay again

btw did yall know that u can feed wilted flowers to the horses

uhh how do you post pictures

" Im so happy your my mate, your so main character~ "

Nope, I think he dies before you can fight him lol

(he gets killed and gets replaced.)

why so many copies


btw  how do u fight the leader

Should I make a story-

(2 edits)

How do you even find out who murdered ashfall


How do you put in an image through a gameplay? ( Eg: Editor, through out the gameplay etc etc.. )


Btw yall how do you get " Cheater cheater flower eater " ?

Mossy if your reading this, can you add an update where when I think Deerfur (Sunclan's queen / Harefur's mate) gets kits and we could take them on a ride in the sunwheel? it would be so epic

Is clangen free?

How do you even get a picture of it lols~

Give the cat you want to be mates with a PINK TULIP (the mate options are in the website thingy) and BOOM! They might accept and be mates! (Breezestar is lesbian btw and some cats are loyal meaning that they want mates within their clan, some have quests like Robinfur, Nutshade etc.. etc..)


In order to reunite Sparrowtail with her family, give her a Yellow tulip (this can also work with a pink tulip if you are a tom) then when she said " Fine! Ill take it, just do what I said! " go to Goldenstrike and talk to her. When she saids " I wish she knew... " go back to Sparrowtail and tell her what you just heard then go back to Goldenstrike, keep chatting with her and then after the conversation finishes, talk to Sunnygaze (the one near the Leader's den) or a brown cat. (Forgot the name but is one of Coldstone guards) and they will respond with " Yeah, I'd love to meet her! " then enter where Plumclaw does patrol, go to the left and click the downwards arrow. After you've done that, go to your right until you see Sparrowtail. Click on her and now you completed your quest!

In order to help Robinfur, you must become a medicine cat (EXP MEDICINE CAT OR CAN JUST KILL AL THE CAVE GUARDS) then receive a prophecy, talk to Robinfur and sleep. You will enter this creepy nightmare but stay calm, all you have to do is find all the Firestar shadows. I think one is in the leader den, the place where Plumclaw does patrol and the last one just go the the left. When you wake up, talk to Robinfur again and then you can mate with him/her.

How do you even post images like that

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Chapter Nine:  We meet again, may the dark forest fill you with rage for a lifetime.

When they went back to camp, Dreamstep and Coyotebark saw cats gathered around something.. or someone... Dreamstep saw her father's head laying on the floor with no movement. " Oh this is dreadful! Who would have done this! " Mewed a Cloudclan cat, there were claw marks on Cloudstar, her father. He had been so dear to Dreamstep, even his clan. You then saw a loner passing by with a smirk and claws filled with horror and blood, it looked quite like... Charmingheart! She ran outside camp and mumbled " I told you I'd get revenge... " Dreamstep ran after her and fought with eyes full of fury and anger. " How could you! " She hissed, starting to cry. Dreamstep heard a voice which seemed like her mind when Charmingheart was completely injured and begging for mercy. " Kill her... she killed your father... you must seek revenge... " The voice said. Dreamstep knew it was a dark forest spirit in her head so she didn't kill Charmingheart then, out of the wanders of a misty flow, Coyotebark snarls and sliced her stomach as Charmingheart whispers. " Good job... Coyo- " She then took her final breath and passed away. " Heh, good job. " Dreamstep whispers to him. 
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Chapter eight: A small romance

After the meeting was over, Smallrain called Dreamstep over for an jmportant discussion along with Feathersky, " Hello dears, " she mew tiredly and oldly. " I couldn't be more proud of you guys. Can you guys please tell the leader that I need a retirement ceremony? Old mother ain't got any use any more. " Smallrain chuckled. The siblings nodded as they padded over to the leader and told them that Smallrain needed a retirement ceremony so he did what was exactly asked. After the ceremony, Dreamstep went to see her mother in the elders den. " Hello dearie! " Smallrain mews. " The kits in Cloudclan are running good, hm? Tell me, Dreamstep, maybe you'd have kits with somebody, and who is that somebody, hm? " She joked. " Oh honey, I'm joking, you don't need to tell me! " Dreamstep fur rose in a slightly embarresed emotion. " Keep it down mom! " she hissed playfully then padded out of the den. " Hey Dreamstep. " Whispered Feathersky. " I think you should go hunting with Coyotebark, he really wants you to go with him. " Feathersky chuckled then rushed to Coyotebark. " Hey Coyotebark, Dreamstep really wants you to go hunting with her. " She chuckled even though Dreamstep and Coyotebark didn't even plan it. It was a HUGE prank! When Coyotebark and Dreamstep left camp, Feathersky followed them sneakily to see what they were gonna do. " Hey... Dreamstep... " Softly whispered Coyotebark. " Yes? " Replied Dreamstep then Coyotebark pinned her and said " I- l-like you." Dreamstep fur rose and responded with the same thing and now they become mates. " OoOOooooOh! " Feathersky chuckled when he waited for them to realise that he was here the entire time. " FEATHERSKY! " Dreamstep hisses. " WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! "  she was extremely embarresed. " OOoooooOOoOh! I'm telling mom! " Feathersky snickers and disappears far into the distance, heading to camp. " It's no use now. " Coyotebark saids.
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Chapter seven: Already a warrior

After the ceremony and visiting the medicine den for injuries stereotype was done, Coyotepaw rushed over to Dreampaw rapidly. " DREAMPAW! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! " He screeched worriedly. " Yeah! I guess so! " Dreampaw whimpered in a soft tone. Coyotepaw curled around Dreampaw, making sure the wounds weren't too bad. He was obviously over-reacting since she already got checked by the medicine cat and the medicine apprentince. " I was so worried! " He sighs, relieved that Dreampaw was alright then thinks about what he just said " Well uhhh, it's not that I like you or anything! I was just worried! " He saids as his fur rose, embarresed. 


" For all cats old enough to travel through the wanders of the forest, gather around to hear my words! " Cloudstar yowled out, when all the cats were herem, Cloudstar yowled out " I, Cloudstar, hereby sit on this rock firmly and would like to make five apprentinces warriors, Featherpaw, Dreampaw, Coyotepaw, Slitheringpaw and Snakepaw, step up, " He paused so they could get the opportunity to do what he said. " Featherpaw, you shall be known as Feathersky, Dreampaw, you shall be known as Dreamstep, Coyotepaw, you shall be known as Coyotebark, Slitheringpaw, you shall be known as Slitheringfall and lastly, Snakepaw, you shall be known as Snakebelly. You all proved me you shall become true warriors of Cloudclan so there, your warrior names. Clan dismissed. " He huffed.

Chapter six: The exile of a Dark Forest Cat

" For all cats old enough to travel through the wanders of the forest, gather around to hear my words! " Cloudstar yowled and nearly all the cats came, surrounding him and the mistyrock alone, he looked rather unhappy about what happened with training. " I'd like to announce an exile of a Dark Forest Cat, " Cloudstar said, looking at Charmingheart in disappointment then carried on with the sentence. " It hurts me to exile this cat but Starclan has all right to unrefuse the exile. " Charmingheart, go, get out of Cloudclan. You served our clan well but not my daughter, Dreampaw, so go. I am graceful for today so I will give you a chance of survival. You may take only a mouse with you and if my clanmates report that they have seen you during moonhigh patrol, I give them every right to attack you. You may say your last words. " " I do not regret my choice! Me and the other dark forest cats have every right- " Charmingheart yowled furiously but was inturrupted by another furious warrior which was Smallrain. " You heard Cloudstar, go before we attack you! "
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Chapter five: A rather interesting 'training' technique type

" Dreamkit, are you ready to head out of camp? " Charmingheart asked politely around the other warriors. " Uhhh, it's Dreampaw and uhhh, yes! " Dreampaw replied. " Oh, please excuse my manners. You were so cute when you were young! Well, let's not waste anytime and go now. " she mew as she signaled Dreampaw to get out of camp. " First things first, " she chirped gracefully, padding out of camp with the young apprentince. " Let's go explore the fields. " She said so the warrior and apprentince ran out onto the plains. " Heh, Dreampaw, Dreampaw... " Charmingheart snickered. " You are far too young to die but I must do what the Dark Forest saids... " She saids darkly. " W-What..? " Dreampaw saids, flattening her ears onto her neck. " It's time you go! " Charmingheart saids, lifting a paw and scratching Dreampaw on the body. Dreampaw quickly ran fast but Charmingheart was faster so she pounced at Dreampaw and was about to scratch open her thoat until a patrol found them. " What are you doing with my future ma- I mean, Dreampaw?! " Roared Coyotepaw. (Apprentinces can go on patrol too if you didn't know) " Traini- " She saids, about to lie to Coyotepaw but Dreampaw inturrupted her. " HELP! SHE'S TRYING TO MURDER ME! " she yowled out loud as tears rolled down the side of her head. " Coyotepaw, go tell Cloudstar, I will stay here along with the other warriors. Tell him that Charmingheart is a traitor! " Hissed Tigerstripes, Coyotepaw straight away disappeared far off into the misty and cloudy distance. " No! it's not what you think! " yowled and hissed Charmingheart. They all went back to the clans and had to cats besides her along the way to make sure she doesn't cause anymore harm.