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Chapter six: The exile of a Dark Forest Cat

" For all cats old enough to travel through the wanders of the forest, gather around to hear my words! " Cloudstar yowled and nearly all the cats came, surrounding him and the mistyrock alone, he looked rather unhappy about what happened with training. " I'd like to announce an exile of a Dark Forest Cat, " Cloudstar said, looking at Charmingheart in disappointment then carried on with the sentence. " It hurts me to exile this cat but Starclan has all right to unrefuse the exile. " Charmingheart, go, get out of Cloudclan. You served our clan well but not my daughter, Dreampaw, so go. I am graceful for today so I will give you a chance of survival. You may take only a mouse with you and if my clanmates report that they have seen you during moonhigh patrol, I give them every right to attack you. You may say your last words. " " I do not regret my choice! Me and the other dark forest cats have every right- " Charmingheart yowled furiously but was inturrupted by another furious warrior which was Smallrain. " You heard Cloudstar, go before we attack you! "