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did your brain just melt from watching too many tiktoks and now you malfunction whenever you have to spend more than 40 seconds on something lol



yeah it totally did lmao


nah i mean it amazes me how a keyboard warrior can be bad at writing hate comments

i can say the exact same thing about you lmao


nah you cant 😂😂


bro fucking shut up and stop drinking mercury already, literally not a single person here agrees with any of the shit you said


yeah maybe cuz its an ultra kill orem so ofc no one agrees with me you all are meat riders

bro you actually have to be retarded to see that 98% of people agree with something and think you must be smarter and better than all of them

wow no need to bring slurs into this. although out of everyone I'm not surprised you have the r-word pass


i also find it fucking hilarious that you ignore the comments where I actually call you out for your bullshit because there's literally nothing you can say to save yourself from that so you just continue crying on these non-important posts


huh what is lil bro yapping about

(1 edit)

you having brain damage


yeah i got it from the war