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it is really funny to me - a person dislikes a game and instead of saying, I didn't like this and that, they say that it's complete garbage and everyone who enjoyed it is stupid, and then when people reply, they're just met with brainless spam of random insults and words

is this really easier or better than just saying "I didn't enjoy this game, this stuff could've been better and I don't recommend it" it's called constructive criticism, my guy, have you ever heard of it?

 you clearly do know quite a bit about the game, you referenced the limbo layer and + disrespect style bonus but this is the ultrakill prelude? did you actually buy (possibly pirate) and play more of the game? why would you do that when you obviously don't like it lol either you saw some youtube video about it ans then played the prelude and didn't like it, or you actually played more and went through the effort to do so despite (apparently) disliking it leading me again to believe that noone can be this braindead and you're just trolling lol



you're literally putting me to sleep with these random noises