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This is definitely one of the standout games from this game jam. It's cute and sweet, nicely written for the most part, the art is quite lovely (granted, there is seldom reason to complain with Marrazan's work), and there is just enough choice to keep it from being JUST a visual novel. That said, it definitely skews closer to VN than full gaming experience. I did manage two different results with two playthroughs, getting a nice ending the first time and a better one the second. From what I've been reading, it appears there are already plans to implement much of what I'd like to see done in this game, so perhaps my input is not needed. Just for shits and giggles, though, I'm definitely hoping for more. More choices that affect the results of the VN. More playable characters. More belly (though in fairness Dina does get pretty massive in at least one ending). More progression; some have indicated that there should be moments in the story where the writing indicates belly growth that we should be able to see said growth, and I agree. More opportunity for earnings; I believe the idea has been mentioned of incorporating Dina's surrogacy earnings into the picture, perhaps for subsequent pregnancies, and this seems a solid idea. I know the idea has been discussed of unlocking a Rory route, and potentially having another Dina route to follow. I know the more routes there are, the more complicated it gets, but I see tremendous potential if the devs choose to pursue it. Overall, though, I do like what we have already, and I look forward to any future updates!