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I know it's poor form to reply to something like this so long after the comment, but between coursework and a bunch of family drama, I was pretty busy the last few months.

That said, I feel that I must correct you on one point: I don't copy and paste anything.

Each and every time I ask my completely honest question, with my reasonings laid out in full... It's typed fresh. If you actually LOOKED at the content of each comment, you'd see that they have variations in wording every single time.

After all, if I'm gonna bother someone with a question in the first place, it's the least I could do to offer up some of my own time in exchange.

For that matter, I ask it everywhere because... It's my policy. I apply it everywhere I find it applicable. In cases where the answer is already explicitly stated... I don't ask.

Whether the reasons for my policy are valid or not... Well, you're certainly free to your opinion, but they're enough for me. That's kinda the point. It's MY policy. It works for me.