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A member registered Jun 15, 2022

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What are the differences between the "Deluxe" edition and the free one?

I kinda wish it were just a bit more complex, but it's great for what it is. I think Worm and Skull are my favorites.

Maaaan, I completely forgot about that Fox Kids commercial... "Core memory unlocked" as the young'ns say these days.

Yeah, maybe "porn" wasn't quite the right word to use, especially since (from what I've seen, anyways) this particular game falls more under "erotica" like you said. (...How a simple lollipop can be so extremely erotic, I couldn't say. But it is what it is, heh.)

As for the demo vs. full game, that is a shame to hear, but I completely understand, too. I can say with confidence that I won't be purchasing the full game, but please don't take that as a reflection on your game in any way: my other hobbies are just so expensive that I simply can't afford to fall into that particular vice, y'know? No matter HOW tempting a title might be.

Anyways, thanks for the swift response, and I really do think you've got something neat here. If nothing else, it's definitely unique. I'd be likely to recommend it on that alone, but the artwork and gameplay make it a solid one, in my book. So you'll have my support in that regard, at least. XD

And again, I hope my question (and this response) aren't taken poorly; my candor isn't always appreciated, sadly... But I mean no offense by it, either.

Will the free version eventually have most (or preferably all) content available, or is it always going to just be a demo?

I mean, the art's great, and the gameplay is (perhaps surprisingly) pretty enjoyable, but I don't spend money on porn out of principle.

So if it's the latter, I'll just have to settle for giving my best wishes and moving on with my life, unfortunate as that may be. Either way, you've got a pretty interesting product here. XD

Hmmmmm... Lewd Quidditch, or just the regular ol' snitch-catching?

Either way, I'd be down to see it, but I'm not gonna go crazy over it, either.

So I guess you can chock me up as being "mostly neutral, leaning towards positive."

If that makes sense.

I mean, that part is no big deal. The real problem is that trying to install this one seems to try and "update" the other one.

This is the second time one of your releases has shown up as "Impel Down Lesbian Paradise" despite being called something completely different on your posts. Is that intentional, or is something wonky happening?

Seconding this, as it would also solve another inconvenience on the Android version: accidentally using healing items.

I was originally going to suggest just having a separate "item usage" mode, but your idea would probably be even better.

On the topic of Leader Wormmon, I think it's hilarious, too. Maybe you could even change it into a "superboss" like those of the good old days of JRPGs. XD

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Hey, I get it, and I respect you and your team, too. Creating something worth its while isn't easy, and it definitely deserves being rewarded.

Also, for whatever it may be worth, my policy isn't a product of cheapness"or disrespect towards your art. I just know myself too well; I'd end up getting carried away, y'know?

Oh, and I appreciate you being forthcoming and polite in your response, too, heh.

...With the internet being what it is, you can probably imagine that not every exchange I have when I ask this question is quite as... Civil, as this one... XD

Will the free version eventually have most (if not all) of the content, or is your plan to simply have the free release serve as a demo?

I have a personal policy not to pay for pornographic content, so as interesting as your game appears to be... If your future release plan is gonna be the latter one, I'd like to know up front so I can just move on.

Either way, my sincerest and utmost respect to you and your team, and I wish y'all success. XD

Is all the content itself in the free version? Like, is the paid version just for the "premium" experience with all the shortcuts and uncensored artwork and the like?

Haha, hey, no worries... It happens to the best of us. Keep up the great work!

Just found this game, and I was going to try the free version, but there isn't anything to download. Weird.

Fair enough. I may not necessarily agree with your reasoning, but I can certainly respect it. I was mostly just curious, y'know?

Hey, no problem. Language can be tricky sometimes, especially through text.

It definitely seems like an odd choice to me. I mean, Phoenix and Maya don't really have that sort of relationship in the games, to begin with, so it doesn't even make much sense.

O...kay...? That was kinda why I was asking the creator?

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While I'll at least give it a chance at some point after more content is available, since it does look excellent...

I really gotta ask... Why make it NTR? What went into making that decision?

Like, there are other ways to set up the premise, cliché as they may be... So why this one specifically?

Hm... Not gonna lie, that really limits the range of options with this sort of thing. Most of the best games I can think of have at least ONE teenage character.

If that sort of thing is an absolute deal-breaker for you, I'm afraid the best I can offer is to let you know anytime I find something good in the future. Sorry I can't be more help than that.

Hey, no worries about taking up my time; I'm glad to help however I can. Just a heads-up, though: I'm going to be pretty busy for a little while starting tomorrow, so I might not be able to get back to you again until after I'm finished up with that.

Anyway, I'd like you to clarify one last thing about your preferences: when you say minors, does that mean any character under 18, or just outright children? Like, are you fine with teenagers who actually look and act fairly mature, or is that still off-limits?

Once we've cleared that up, I think I'll probably have a pretty good idea of the sort of things you'll like, so I'll put together a list when I can.

Other than that, there are actually a couple of recommendations I can give right now based on your other reply, although you may already know about them: Third Crisis (PC/Android), and Raven's Quest (PC/Android) both have female-protagonists, offer a ton of content, and are mostly/completely free.

The only content (so far) in Third Crisis that requires the "full" version are some "accessories" (cybernetic "enhancements" and outfits, which DO affect available scenes, but aren't strictly necessary) so you won't be missing out on a ton of stuff.

Raven's Quest in particular seems more tailored to the female audience, with its eroticism coming more from the descriptions of the events than from the visuals. The visuals themselves are still quite nice though.

I can definitely think of a few, but I'd like to know if there's any content you don't go for first. Not much point in recommending things that won't suit your preferences, heh.

Nice work, man. Been a while since I commented on any of your stuff, but hey, I'm more the lurking type.

Anyways, congrats on the finished project!

Hey, thanks for the response! I'm not likely to ever break my policy, honestly, but like you said, this definitely does look like it'd be one worth breaking it over.

Who knows, maybe I'll win the lottery or something so I don't have to worry about being choosy! A guy can dream, right? 

Will the full release also eventually be free, as well? I always ask this (for all I know, I may have developed some sort of reputation for it at this point) since I adhere to a policy of never paying for pornographic content, no matter how tempting it may to do so.

I always feel weird asking this, because you never know if someone will get offended, but... Well, I gotta do it. Will the full game eventually be free to play, or will the free version always be nothing more than a demo?

I have to ask because my personal policy is to never pay for pornographic content. My hobbies are expensive enough as it is, y'know? Gotta draw the line somewhere.

Regardless, what you've made looks great, and I mean absolutely no disrespect in any way. Keep up the amazing work, and I wish you all the best!

I see, and I completely understand. It's a shame for me, of course, but we all do what we gotta, right? XD

I'm sure you get asked this sort of thing ad nauseum, but will the full version ever be free? I have a policy of never paying for pornographic content, no matter how tempting it may be to do so... It really limits the options, of course, but it helps me keep myself in check, heh. But I digress... I just wanted to know if I'll eventually be able to experience the whole thing while keeping my principles, or if I should just move along without bothering. Either way, thanks for what you do, and I wish you all the best.

I'm sure you get asked this sort of thing ad nauseum, but will the full version ever be free? I have a policy of never paying for pornographic content, no matter how tempting it may be to do so... It really limits the options, of course, but it helps me keep myself in check, heh. But I digress... I just wanted to know if I'll eventually be able to experience the whole thing while keeping my principles, or if I should just move along without bothering. Either way, thanks for what you do, and I wish you all the best.

I'm sure you get asked this sort of thing ad nauseum, but will the full version ever be free? I have a policy of never paying for pornographic content, no matter how tempting it may be to do so... It really limits the options, of course, but it helps me keep myself in check, heh. But I digress... I just wanted to know if I'll eventually be able to experience the whole thing while keeping my principles, or if I should just move along without bothering. Either way, thanks for what you do, and I wish you all the best.

I'd also like the option to "turn the tables" on Daphne as well. Dom Daphne is awesome, but we should also get to put her in her place from time to time as well. XD

Well, Slytherin has Daphne... But then, Hufflepuff has Susan... Oh, but Ravenclaw has Parvati AND Cho... Hrm... Do we count Minerva as part of Gryffindor?

Eh, I guess I'll roll with Slytherin. Daphne is just so awesome.

Oof, programming too? Respect.

Well, whether it's outright R63 or even feminization, I'm down with that. That aside, the art so far is pretty good. You do that yourself, or do you have a dedicated artist?

Awww, maaaaan... I went and got caught up... Oh well, good things are worth waiting for, after all.