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(2 edits)

Yeah, Wesanfall in particular is plagued by problems. I played through recently, and these are other issues I remember:

  • One of the vessel attuning conditions is having 3 gears, but only 1 gear is available in the adventure.
  • The Clock info is missing the death-alternative mechanics (as illhousen mentioned).
  • Required fights should be highlighted somehow rather than require the player to read their text to discover they're not optional.
  • Several fights require enemies not included on the relevant pages.
  • None of the enemies offer viscera. Considering the references to viscera in the adventure, I don't think this was intentional.
  • The Elevator requires a key that is not mentioned anywhere else in the adventure. I assume it was intended to be the reward for the Search action at Point 1 which currently has no reward.
  • The Possessed Apparatus is mistakenly a copy/paste of the Minor Demon in two different places.
  • The Submerge effect on the Drowned Villager is incomplete/cut off.
  • The flavor text on the Demonologist is incomplete/cut off.
  • As written, the Horror battle quickly becomes unwinnable and potentially a stalemate due to the Time Twist effect. Even if you allow a reset of the value after it triggers (which I assume is the intention even though it's never mentioned), the fight is still a brutal slog in the absolute worst sense of those words. It's the one Rune/Reap fight that I've ever given up playing out. I played for 30 minutes with all of my gear in soul form. When I finally pulled the plug, both my Reaper and the Horror were still at full health. The total lack of viscera certainly didn't help, but its presence alone would not have made the difference. Both the Horror itself and its relationship to its terrain would benefit from some rethinking.