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A member registered May 02, 2019

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(2 edits)

Yeah, Wesanfall in particular is plagued by problems. I played through recently, and these are other issues I remember:

  • One of the vessel attuning conditions is having 3 gears, but only 1 gear is available in the adventure.
  • The Clock info is missing the death-alternative mechanics (as illhousen mentioned).
  • Required fights should be highlighted somehow rather than require the player to read their text to discover they're not optional.
  • Several fights require enemies not included on the relevant pages.
  • None of the enemies offer viscera. Considering the references to viscera in the adventure, I don't think this was intentional.
  • The Elevator requires a key that is not mentioned anywhere else in the adventure. I assume it was intended to be the reward for the Search action at Point 1 which currently has no reward.
  • The Possessed Apparatus is mistakenly a copy/paste of the Minor Demon in two different places.
  • The Submerge effect on the Drowned Villager is incomplete/cut off.
  • The flavor text on the Demonologist is incomplete/cut off.
  • As written, the Horror battle quickly becomes unwinnable and potentially a stalemate due to the Time Twist effect. Even if you allow a reset of the value after it triggers (which I assume is the intention even though it's never mentioned), the fight is still a brutal slog in the absolute worst sense of those words. It's the one Rune/Reap fight that I've ever given up playing out. I played for 30 minutes with all of my gear in soul form. When I finally pulled the plug, both my Reaper and the Horror were still at full health. The total lack of viscera certainly didn't help, but its presence alone would not have made the difference. Both the Horror itself and its relationship to its terrain would benefit from some rethinking.

I appreciate the quick response! Another question for you: can the value of an action be split, or must it always be spent on one application? E.g, can I use Harm 2 to apply 1 Harm to two different enemies in range or Move 2 to move one space, apply Harm, then move another space?

Is the player allowed to reap viscera at the end of the round in which they defeat the final enemy in a fight, or does the battle end immediately? I.e., should we play all the way through step 5 of a fight even if there are no live enemies remaining?

Thanks for putting this together, Aaron! Great to a have a well-reasoned starting place.

FYI, I noticed a discrepancy while reading. On p.13 when discussing versatile weapons, you explain that they have a point budget of Rune Level + 6. However, in your example build of the versatile Claymore, you use a budget of Rune Level + 5. Which number more accurately reflects your intention?

Thanks for the quick feedback! The answer to question 1 definitely goes a significant way toward nerfing the method I was using. I was essentially marking tons of heat each turn then clearing it with the basic core and Heat Vent. I also allowed myself the clear after the final attack. If I was forced to carry all heat used in the last round(s) over to the next battle, I would've had to play last rounds much more conservatively.

(1 edit)

Hi Michael,

So I finished my first full RIG campaign and have come away with a handful of questions:

1) Does a battle end immediately when the final threat is destroyed, or does a player still get to resolve other keywords after Harm (i.e., can a player still clear Heat in that final round)? Do “end of round” effects still trigger if relevant?

 2) Are obstacles and/or pits considered terrain for purposes of Hover? Only difficult terrain explicitly uses the word.

 3) For scenarios and abilities that add difficult terrain/obstacles/pits to the grid, how do those additions interact with existing features? Should I re-roll if I randomly roll a space that already contains a feature of the relevant type? If a threat triggers Void but is already next to a pit, can I choose the space of the existing pit to prevent the creation of a new one? (During my play, I generally ruled these situations in whatever way would be most disadvantageous to me, but the intention is unclear.)

 4) Threats always move so as to be in optimal range for their attacks, but how do you resolve movement for activations that don’t include an attack?

All in all, I enjoyed the puzzle of the experience, but my playthrough was much easier than I anticipated. I took one early refit not long after the SOLITAIRE tutorial to fully equip (using only one non-basic gear) and recover damage, but the loadout I chose (maximizing mobility and heat mitigation) seemed to trivialize most of the challenge from there on out. I never took another refit (apart from the mandatory one between levels) and ended the game with no damage, no heat, and nearly 40 ammo (which I didn't farm but my loadout didn't use). I ran into a similar issue with Rune where early equipment choices seemed to really minimize the difficulty. What was your experience of the difficulty in playtesting?

Thanks for the clarifications, Spencer. We're talking past each other on #3, though. I'm with you as far as contiguous ranges are concerned. However, Drauzhal's Chosen's action on a result of 6 lists two separate, non-contiguous ranges: Same and 2. In a case like this, which should determine movement? The closer of the two (Same in this case) seems the more likely interpretation for the sake of simplicity/consistency.

(4 edits)
  • Realm Atlas, p.104: Delve affects Drau at point 10, but there are no Drau at point 10.
  • Realm Atlas, p.127: Zed Point 5 described as being on the eastern coast, but the map shows it on the western.
  • Realm Atlas, pp.127-130: Without a way to rest on Zed's northern island (Points 5-7) and reset the Fight at Point 5 to gather more souls (or die), one can potentially become permanently stuck there. I assume this is not a feature.
(6 edits)

A few Realm-specific questions following from my post in the General thread. Beware minor spoilers.

  1. Grim Coast - Zealot's deal +1 Harm for each adjacent enemy. Does this mean adjacent to the Zealot or adjacent to the Engraved (I assume the latter for thematic reasons)? And does the Zealot count itself if it is adjacent to the Engraved rather than in the same space? That seems a little strange, but the rules text doesn't specify "other" enemy.
  2. Grim Coast - The Siphon Spell's Drain effect deals Harm and recovers Health. Does Block apply against this Harm as normal? If so, when all Harm is blocked, does the Health recovery still occur?
  3. The Island - Finishing the Realm rewards the Engraved with a consumable item. However, according to RAW, consumables are lost when the Engraved travels to a new Realm. Should this particular item include a note exempting it from that effect?
  4. Draco Lands - An Engraved can trigger the Spell Stone Gear by taking +1 Harm in a round. Does this bonus Harm still count as Harm 1 if no other Harm is dealt to the Engraved in the round? Or are we meant to infer that the Gear cannot be used unless the Engraved is already facing Harm in a round?
  5. Iron Vale - Do the Spellsmith's attacks affect other enemies since they deal Harm to "everyone"?
  6. Frostdale - At Point 5, does the fight end as soon as the Rime Knight is defeated regardless of the skeletons present?
  7. Zed - Are Soul Stones reusable? I assume they are both because the rules text insinuates it, and because it would be far too easy to accidentally lock oneself out of finishing the Realm otherwise. However, the Soul Stones have check boxes which prevent their reuse RAW. It seems to me the Soul Stones check boxes should be removed, and their entries should receive a note on repeated actions like the one for the Beyond entry at Point 1.
  8. Zed - How long does the Ghost Oil earned at Point 4 last? One full combat?
(2 edits)

Sat down with Rune for the first time today and wound up playing through 2.5 realms (Grim Coast, The Island pamphlet, Hollow). (Have played even more before edits.) Enjoyed the game but have yet to see any items that would tempt me away from my Sword/Shield/Amulet of Dawn/Fate's Foe combo. The loadout was extremely effective but also encouraged me to turtle where possible to regain Health via Amulet. Milking that as much as I did felt cheesy enough that I might consider a nerf there: maybe limited uses per fight? (If you clarified that a player must use dice results and apply Harm when possible, that would also make this strat less effective.)  That said, I have a few questions about the intended function of some mechanical elements. Some of them pertain to specific realms, so I'll post those in the relevant thread.

  1. Starting Runes - Getting Started instructs the player to choose one Rune, but the Runes section explains that the player can equip three. What's the intention here? Does the player unlock additional "Rune slots" by defeating Rune Lords (up to a max of three)? And is the player considered to have access to the starting Runes they did not choose whenever they become capable of equipping more?
  2. Multiple Harms - When multiple instances of harm target the same enemy (different weapons, Fate's Fury Rune, etc.), does the enemy's Block value apply only once against the total Harm (rather than against each instance)? I'm assuming so since all Harm is dealt simultaneously (in the same way that all enemy damage is summed against the Engraved before Block is applied).
  3. Enemies w/ Multiple Ranges - If any enemy's attack lists multiple ranges (I encountered this when facing the Rune Lord of the Iron Vale), which determines their movement?

jason78ka: For what it's worth, I assume 4 belongs to the row 2 attack of the mercenary. Otherwise, there'd be no reason for two icons on that row.