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(1 edit)

Chapter Nine:  We meet again, may the dark forest fill you with rage for a lifetime.

When they went back to camp, Dreamstep and Coyotebark saw cats gathered around something.. or someone... Dreamstep saw her father's head laying on the floor with no movement. " Oh this is dreadful! Who would have done this! " Mewed a Cloudclan cat, there were claw marks on Cloudstar, her father. He had been so dear to Dreamstep, even his clan. You then saw a loner passing by with a smirk and claws filled with horror and blood, it looked quite like... Charmingheart! She ran outside camp and mumbled " I told you I'd get revenge... " Dreamstep ran after her and fought with eyes full of fury and anger. " How could you! " She hissed, starting to cry. Dreamstep heard a voice which seemed like her mind when Charmingheart was completely injured and begging for mercy. " Kill her... she killed your father... you must seek revenge... " The voice said. Dreamstep knew it was a dark forest spirit in her head so she didn't kill Charmingheart then, out of the wanders of a misty flow, Coyotebark snarls and sliced her stomach as Charmingheart whispers. " Good job... Coyo- " She then took her final breath and passed away. " Heh, good job. " Dreamstep whispers to him. 


cool @-@