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thanks! if you like this game you should absolutely try my other games path of the ninja and genesis rebirth. I am very proud of those.


i definitely will they seem interesting! But before that I want to try man other games from this jam because there's a deadline ^^'

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I am very happy you liked it because I am always a bit paranoid because I never know my game is actually good enough


dont worry it was a lot of fun. its pretty hard to balance a game in the timeframe of a game jam, i also wonder if people can reach the end of my game xD

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if you have any issues with your game you can always ask me. if you think it is to hard to balance your game the best thing you can do is changing the progression. I am completely fine with short time limits because I program very fast and I do it a lot.

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where can I see what rate I have ?


I could be wrong, but I don't think you can see your rating until the end of the Jam.
