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I love silly story game! The story was funny, and the characters were interesting! I love their designs and your world design is really good, reminds me of flapjack! I love walking sim games that are just stories with art, I had fun exploring and talking to so many interesting characters. At the time playing though I could not find the other bone, I feel I did everything (but maybe just smooth brain). Overall, was a very fun game with awesome "paweossum" illustrations, can't wait for more! 

aaaw glad you enjoyed it! I enjoyed your stream :3c! Also, don’t worry about not finding both bones, it’s just an optional side thing and the second bone is in a not very intuitive spot lol.

(Btw, you technically can climb the ladders, they’re just janky)

And again, thanks for checking it out! :D


Nooo, I should of tried climbing harder LOL and you're welcome! Again I loved art and story, can't wait for more!