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(1 edit)

I like this, the perspective shift is cool

This comment made my day 🙂

the shift was actually ultra-simple to do:

func switch_cams(from, to):
    var from_gt = from.global_transform
    var from_fov = from.fov
    var duration = 3.0
    var cam_tween = create_tween()
    cam_tween.tween_property(from, "global_transform", to.global_transform, duration)
    cam_tween.parallel().tween_property(from, "fov", to.fov, duration)
    cam_tween.tween_callback(reset_cam.bind(from, to, from_gt, from_fov)) # Optional!
func reset_cam(from, to, gt, fov):
    signal switched_cams
    from.current = false
    to.current = true
    from.global_transform = gt
    from.fov = fov

Though about it (“aha!”) in the shower, worked right away.

Could the player ship have an aura effect or something

You mean it’s not visible enough ? I’m going to look into that ; Thanks a lot !