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(1 edit)

thinking that Itch shows the message to everyone except your IP doesn’t make any sense.

So pray tell, how come I never see this warning?

And by the way, forget about this IP stuff, and just answer this:

Why is there no message whatsoever to me in the back-office, on my account page, in the game page, no-where? this is downright hostile, the site tells people that my content is dangerous, and doesn’t say anything to me?? And you find this normal / acceptable behaviour?

What does Itch gain by hiding the message from your IP?

I don’t know! Beats me. Quite literally, in fact. I never saw something like this, I’ve been on the web ever since it exists, this situation “you don’t know what you send to people” is really twisted.

Try DOWNLOADING (not just reaching the link, but actually DOWNLOADING) your game with a browser in incognito mode or without being logged into your account.

Oh, I see, you either did not read my message, or think I’m some sort of idiot that don’t know how to technically assert what he says.

Either way this project is dead, so let’s move on.

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Thanks for you help !

OK, so this project is dead on arrival, thanks a lot, Itch. Let’s move on :(

OK, as per @redonihunter suggestion I changed the export settings, and now the win exe is directly zip-compressed by Godot.

Can somebody test if the warnings are gone?

Thank you very much for your help.

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I see your windows file is an exe and not an archieve. I am too lazy to try it, but I would bet that this exe triggers several scanners. Godot packed exes are utter garbage in my opinion, because they trigger scanners so very often.

Wow, thanks for that idea, I’m gonna try that.

Thanks a lot for your trying to help. Seriously, I feels good, as I feel really alone.

Please contact support,

I did, this morning, 5 or 6 hours ago, I got an automatic [Request received] answer. And that’s it.

then do what the rules of this category say.

I looked everywhere, where and what are those rules? And my page is similar to all others, what could I possibly infringe? We’re not web noobs.

I don’t know why creators in this situation aren’t warned, sorry.

Oh but I’m not just “not warned”, I’m kept completely in the dark, I can’t see the warnings, visible by everybody but me and by the way they say that not just the download links but ALL links on the page are flagged, my gitlab pages blog, every link.

When I check with a non-logged in browser, no warning. So apparently there is an IP-based filter, that show the warning to everybody but me!! This is dishonest. The web isn’t supposed to ~not~ work like this.

The exact criteria are secret

Great. No, it is ; I worked day and night for months, just to publish here on “mighty” itch.io. This is really sad, I could imagine anything but wow, this is something else.

(2 edits)

Visitors (meaning the very few people that would click on a gamedev link) of my game https://yphil.itch.io/megabatar page are greeted with a (apparently very scary) quarantine warning? And this has been the state of things since the 1st version publication, weeks ago!!

  • What exactly did I do to deserve this?
  • What can I do to remedy this?
  • How come I’m not even notified of that situation on my page, and have to learn it from the people I send the link to?

NB the 3 executables are built from the sources on gitlab, then directly uploaded to itch.io, everything is totally transparent:

  stage: deploy
    - butler push ./build/linux $ITCHIO_NAME:linux-beta
    - butler push ./build/windows $ITCHIO_NAME:windows-beta
    - butler push ./build/macosx $ITCHIO_NAME:mac-beta
    - linux
    - windows
    - mac
    - master

Right now, probably nobody is daring to get past this ominous warning (who would?) and so I worked hard on this project, in total vain ; 3 months down the drain.

That is really uncool ; What can I do?

Looks cool! I like the 3D elements.

Yes, it was originally meant as a kind of showcase of what the 3D motor can do ; thanks for your time, I’d love to try Stepping Stone Jack (don’t really have access to a Windows machine right now) sometime 🐰

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I like this, the perspective shift is cool

This comment made my day 🙂

the shift was actually ultra-simple to do:

func switch_cams(from, to):
    var from_gt = from.global_transform
    var from_fov = from.fov
    var duration = 3.0
    var cam_tween = create_tween()
    cam_tween.tween_property(from, "global_transform", to.global_transform, duration)
    cam_tween.parallel().tween_property(from, "fov", to.fov, duration)
    cam_tween.tween_callback(reset_cam.bind(from, to, from_gt, from_fov)) # Optional!
func reset_cam(from, to, gt, fov):
    signal switched_cams
    from.current = false
    to.current = true
    from.global_transform = gt
    from.fov = fov

Though about it (“aha!”) in the shower, worked right away.

Could the player ship have an aura effect or something

You mean it’s not visible enough ? I’m going to look into that ; Thanks a lot !

And also I find ItchIO fantastic, just sayin’

Hi everyone!

I just published the second beta of my first game, MegaBatar, “A contemplative retro arcade space shooter”.

Those last two months were a whoosh ; I loved every minute of it.

The game is far from perfect, and I welcome any feedback.