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So, I saw on the project page you got a lot of flak for using AI images - which I can understand, it's rightfully derided. However, I can also sympathise with not being able to create your own art, I myself rely on free assets from around the web for my games, though I haven't touched AI myself for it - not just because it has a lot of inherent problems concerning stealing content and using sensitive data from datasets (The service you used uses stable-diffusion according to their website, which uses a dataset that has been criticised for exactly that). But also because it's hard to get coherent style and fitting images anyway. I usually check and search on DDG or Google for public domain or CC4 Attribution stuff, that I then maybe slightly edit. For this, I would probably have looked into photos from historical archives or from people that put their stuff into the public domain. One aspect where I think you could have used AI fruitfully there, without running into the same kind of ethical problems, would be AI upscaling and colouring, e.g. of historical photographs that fit the style you are going for. Those algorithms are usually older and less dubious.

But not to dwell on this aspect too much - and just saying that I don't think you are some sort of great sinner or something for using it - I unfortunately have no one I could properly playtest this with. Reading through the ruleset makes it feel like it may be both too complex and too shallow at first glance - a lot of mechanics, but I think not enough interesting ways for the players to interact with them and create synergies. That is *completely* an intuitive assessment, though, as I said, I can't really playtest it properly. In general, RPGs like this usually need to go through a lot of testing and revisions before they are fleshed out enough to be enjoyable.

I do like the idea and setting, and for a first time openly published game, it shows promise! Maybe, with this being in the public domain, some people will be found to refine it and replace the art in the same step? Don't get discouraged by the criticism you got so far, I think this shows real potential, and you should keep creating.


Thank you for the input, I will check out the site for future ideas.