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Congrats on your submission!  I thought the survivors twist was kinda neat, but I was clicking for the flame thrower and accidentally clicked on a random upgrade more than once.  I played it through twice and the second time around I chose the orbs 3 times and I only had 2 orbs on me.  I don't know if they were overlapped, but I only saw 2.  Around the 4:30 minute mark, both games, I was bombarded with eyeballs.  I don't know if you are supposed to flame thrower them, but I died both times there as I couldn't really dodge them. 


Hey, thanks for the feedback. We addressed the issue with the clicks triggering upgrades unintentionally since that was impacting several people. Also, we found an error with the spawner where the eyes were spawning way too often in one of the waves, which you mentioned, so thanks for that. We patched the game to fix that and a couple other issues that we knew about.

Awesome!  Thanks for the update.