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A member registered May 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing!  Sometimes life gets in the way of fun stuff.  We may want to revisit it, just to get our finished game out there.

Thanks for playing!  We discussed completing the pieces we were missing after the jam is done.  Just to get the full experience for players. 

Thanks for playing!  The SFX designer mentioned Wario-ware when we were originally discussing the idea.

Thanks for playing!  We wanted to implement the ability to egg or TP a house, but ran out of time so those buttons/actions don't actually do anything.  At the end we kept the TP aesthetic by wrapping the monsters you defeat.  

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!  We didn't get a chance to implement that. It was going to be that some houses gave candy and some wouldn't be giving out candy so you could TP or Egg them.  We also wanted to have an inspect feature.

Congrats on your submission!  I liked the messaging app thing.  I actually clicked around to read all the other stuff that was there before clicking on the active chat.  Then downloaded and ran the game.  I played on the web build and the first time I got stuck when I moved the mouse up or down and I think I did while something was loading, I'm not sure because I got stuck looking down I think, because I saw street lines.  I could move around but not look.  I restarted and was a lot more conscious about moving my mouse and it worked well.

I like the little sheep popping up behind the car and stuff, I tried to go around it and got stuck on the grass, I didn't realize that was a border for the game.  I was trying to avoid being jumped scared to I was trying to give the car a wide turn haha.  After heading towards the office and not being able to get in, I circled around once more and then tried to go down the middle of the houses.

When I got the new "update" or download, I was confused by the title coming back up.  I was like, wait am I in another game?  So that immersion thing of going into a game in a game really got me.

Congrats on your submission!  I noticed, the credits and the intro both took up way less space than my monitor so a lot of it was the grey-ish "background color" in Godot.  I have an ultrawide monitor. 3440 x 1440, but the actual gameplay was not affected by this and looked normal.  Only those 2 screens were top left aligned.

The first time I was playing through, I punched in random coordinates, because I wasn't sure what I had to do and was able to go outside and there was nothing to do, it was very hard to see much of anything.  I could go to the side of the drill but there was not anything to interact with and trying to go to the dark seemed to have like an invisible wall.  So I went inside the vehicle and tried to go to a cluster of green dots and I got a system error message on the terminal inside the game.  Good I thought, I'm getting somewhere now.  When I went outside, it was black and I couldn't see anything at all and had trouble getting back inside.  When I got inside, there was nothing to do and I couldn't see outside to do anything, so I closed and restarted the game.

This time, I tried heading straight for the green clusters and I wasn't getting an error and I was not able to go outside.  I kept punching coordinates on different sides of the map thinking maybe I had to dig for longer but it never let me out of the vehicle and I wasn't getting the error on the terminal, so I don't know if I caused a different kind of bug.

From what I got to see, I liked the design of the vehicle and the PS1 like dithering.  It felt claustrophobic and getting out of the vehicle was unnerving. 

It would have been nice to have a representation of yourself on the map to see where you were.  After punching in numbers over and over, I couldn't remember which numbers I punched in so I punched in coordinates that I was probably really close to because it only made the digging sound for about 1 second and stopped. 

Congrats on your submission!  Since the light passes through the walls, I was thinking the enemies should die as well so I died a few times trying to kill the enemies through the wall as they attacked me.  Once I figured out, OH, the hitbox is probably a raycast or something and it's hitting the wall, I backed away and killed a lot more of them.  I did die a few times while I was pointing the flashlight at them, if it is a raycast, maybe I was pointed slightly off where it didn't hit them, but the light was definitely on them. 

Perhaps it's a bug, but when I died and selected a checkpoint, the battery level didn't reset to what it was at that checkpoint, so I ran out of battery and couldn't complete the maze.

Overall, I really like the design.  The jump scare mechanic got me the first time and the subsequent times I don't know if the enemies were spawning too quickly, but the jumpscares didn't phase me. 

Thanks for playing! We appreciate the feedback!

Thanks for playing!  Yeah, we had fallen behind on a story thing and so when we got further into the jam we decided to pay homage to Saw haha. 

Thanks for playing!

Haha!  That makes sense.  I might give it another shot if I get a chance tomorrow when I'm on my desktop.

Thanks for playing, but actually, that was just a timer for story aesthetics.  The game was beaten by multiple people in less than 5 minutes. There's only 3 real puzzles. 

Congrats on your submission!  I found my four friends and THAT WAS NOT COOL!!!  Took me about 6 or 7 tries to find them.  I didn't understand the Listen thing at first.  I thought those lines were from me waving around the flashlight.  Never found the shovel, I didn't know which rock was happy and I did find an axe but I couldn't pick it up. 

Congrats on your submission!  After I CTRL W'd so many times, I ended up seeing that you could cround with C, so I was able to get around.  I ran straight into the bad guy on purpose because I didn't realize it was a bad guy whoops!  Then when I realized what was going on, I ran into the dark area but got jump scared multiple times and I can't take any more haha.

Congrats on your submission!  I was waiting for a jump scare the whole time so I was on edge.  The pattern mixed with the blurriness made it very trippy.

It ran pretty smooth on my desktop, actually it probably ran too fast, but that was okay.  I died once and was able to kill the creature the second time around.  Well done!

Congrats on your submission!  I had trouble spending a lot of the gas as I kept getting stuck on the side of the road and couldn't move away fast enough.

Congrats on your submission!  Very creepy.  I couldn't get the last trash or the toothbrush.  I kept running away from the creepy lady and got caught like 3 times before giving up.  A few of the corners/corridors were too dark so I couldn't tell it was a dead end.  Twice I got caught trying to see the things in the bathroom because there was only one way out. 

I'm not able to load the game on the browser.  I primarily use Opera as my browser but it looks like it was getting stuck loading so I tried chrome and it appears to be stuck at the same spot.  I waited about 2 minutes and it's still not loading.  Any suggestions?  I'm on Windows 11, 

Chrome is up to date - Version 128.0.6613.114 (Official Build) (64-bit) 
After typing that all out, it finally loaded, it loaded when I was trying to attach a screenshot.  The game doesn't seem to run well on my laptop, I'll give it a shot again when I get to my desktop and see if it runs better there.

Congrats on your submission!  I kept expecting the trope jump scare at the camera so I was on high alert the whole time... until I wasn't and that's when you got me hahaha. Creepy and Interesting visual novel.  I clicked the night vision a few times but there was never actually a *need* to use it.

Thanks for playing!  Most of the sound effects were taken from ZapSplat and Matthew wrote the music and jingle for when the puzzles are solved.

Thanks for playing!  The lever puzzle is technically the last one. The clue to each puzzle is written on the walls. If you want me to be more specific DM me so I don't spoil things for others. 

Thanks for playing!  The music and the jingle played after the puzzle solving were both designed by Matthew.  I found the issue with the exit button after the jam ended, but it's not super game breaking so I didn't try to fix it.  And finding it super early is part of the whole "It's Been There All Along" theme. 

Congrats on your submission!  Found 4 endings.  The game had me hooked from the beginning.  Seemed very polish for a jam game.  I did notice a glitch with the eye moving when I would click in certain situations but overall, very well done. 

Thanks for playing!  Yeah, you can actually do it in less than 1 because "It's  Been There All Along," We didn't want to give too little time because it's a jam game. 

Congrats on your submission!  I like the intro and I went through twice to pick different options and my character looked different.  I don't know if it's always just random or based on your choices, but I thought that was neat.  The intro and everything was good, but like Colby-O said, I couldn't do anything after the puppet box, which is a shame because I was invested in the story at that point haha.  I was getting a labyrinth vibe there.

Congrats on your submission!  I couldn't tell where I was going at first, so I stuck to the right edge and I didn't realize the mouse was controlling it until after a minute.  When I was at the top right part of the map and couldn't go any further, I basically followed the edge all the way around the map as far as I could.  I found a bunch of yellow diamonds that turned red after picking them up.  I found these 2 big things with eyes that follow you around, but I guess I was supposed to pick up some other yellow things somewhere or maybe some don't appear until you get others, I'm not entirely sure. But I kept swimming around and couldn't find anything else to do.  So much so that the underwater sounds stopped.  Creepy vibe overall though

Congrats on your submission!  I could not kill more than like 2 rats.  A few times I kept getting more spray but other times I wouldn't get anymore.  Sometimes I could get 3 or 4 doors but other times I could only get to 1 door.  I wasn't sure if that was random or if I wasn't moving far enough.  A way to aim the spray would have been a good addition to the game.

Congrats on your submission.  I do like stealth games, but I couldn't get past a certain section where there were 2 of them in a room.  They seemed to walk through the table and I could not.  I had the key I needed, I was hidden in the top of this screenshot. I kept getting stuck on the table and couldn't get to the left.    

Congrats on your submission.  I was a bit confused on what to do.  I went the wrong way the first time because I accidentally spun my character around and I kept getting stuck on invisible geometry (I think).  So I reset and found the path to the village then I was trying to get into the houses and then drowned in the lake  (I hadn't read the instructions yet).  So when I realized what I had to do, I found a lily pad and picked it up, but I wasn't sure where to go or what to do next.  I think having some thicker forest areas to make a clearer path would have been helpful for my first issue.  I know you said the dialog system wasn't complete, so that probably could have given me clues on what I should do.

Thanks for playing! ^_^

Thanks for playing!  That's funny because I just kinda half assed through the voice thing together because we had no audio until the last ~12 hours.  So I recorded myself messed with the audio in audacity and scrambled to find the other sound effects.  My kids both played the game and didn't realize I was the voice haha

Thanks for playing!  There should be 4 books.  When you pick one up you can place it between the bookends.  When you have another book, you can swap it with the one you are carrying.  It *should* require all 4 books.  If it didn't you might have found a bug. 

Thanks for playing! Binary is fun haha

Thanks for playing!  After the lever there is a "Exit" button.  You know "It's Been There All Along" 

Thank you for playing!  We appreciate the feedback.  

Thanks for playing Eva!  I'm a fan of your work.  I had a "bare minimum list" and a "nice to have list," and upgrading towers and being able to view the battle from specific towers vantage points and other things were on the latter list. You bring up an excellent point of a different way of building the towers.  I was trying to model it after Bloons (flash game from 2000's), but also didn't want to take up too much of the screen.  I will keep that workflow in mind if I do visit another tower defense game like this one in the future.

Thanks for playing!  As far as the intro is concerned, if you die or beat the game, there is a retry button.  The retry doesn't repeat the intro.  I hadn't planned on people refreshing the page after going to it initially.  My original intent was to have the option to skip the intro but we ran out of time and I didn't want people to accidentally skip it and not know there was an intro.  I also wanted to have a menu for the music/sound effects and upgradable towers, but ran into a few hiccups along the way and didn't get to finish everything.