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Ok There's a lot to talk about, however I cant even pass night 2, so I'm not sure if my review even matters since I haven't even really experienced the game.


Let's start off small. First of all the txt file should say "-do your tasks on the computer" because some people might not understand what you mean by task. When I was playing, I completely forgot u said on your devlog that the tasks are on the computer, so when I played the game I was looking around the room for tasks rather than the computer. >w<

in Power down mode, you should have the button for the computer light up so we can know where it is. I kind of got used to finding it, but it's a nice touch that would help.

Also I didnt notice that there was an app to control the light on the computer. it was on the bottom right so it's hard to find. I would say put it in with tasks so it's easier to find.

The text is hard to see on the screen. I have to squint a lot just to read it. 

Ok now lets get deeper. I'm not sure if these next criticisms are valid since I know you said the game isn't meant to be hand holding and some of the criticisms I have, might be do to my skill issue, but I thought I might ask them.

The music box goes off too much. I can barely do a task while it goes off, but I know I have to turn it off. Sometimes, right when I turn it off, I barely move my mouse to go back to the PC just to be met with the song again. I'm not sure how long I can let it go so I usually just go for it before anything bad happens because of it.

What do I do with the Alert System? Whenever that alert comes on, I'm basically done for because I don't know how to prevent it other than shutting the PC off and on to redo my task. But when I shut the PC off, the power goes down before I can do anything. It's an instant loss. How do I prevent it???? Unless I'm supposed to figure it out myself because again, maybe it's meant to be like that on purpose because you don't wanna do any handholding, so just know you can reply to this comment with a "It's meant to be that way."

I dont think the events should happen on night 1, to help players learn the game. They can be kind of confusing.

Speaking of events. What do I do with the Eclipse? I know I'm not supposed to move when it sees me, but how do I even know it sees me? Also, can I even move my mouse when it comes out? I would think to hide in the kitchen, but then I don't know how to do my tasks. 

Blood moon isn't really that fun. Well, ok it's fine but it's not as scary as Power down. Power down does have limited light, but at least I could control it, making it tense what I'm about to see when I turn away from my monitor. Unless there's a way to control the light in Blood Moon that I don't know of.

Also the Password task is very confusing. I'm assuming it has to do with the READ_ME.txt but I really don't know how to solve it. My best guess is that I have to put all the numbers in the READ_ME file to get the password unlocked, but I'm not sure if that works, because I think I completed all 4 of my task on those nights and I still got a Session Over. I'm sure it'll be easier to understand when I upload the recording I did on my channel. 

I forgot what this task was called, but it was the one where you have to get online access  first AND THEN go the task that has you wait for a VERY long time. It sorta has a black screen and says "don't shut off your computer" or something like that. Anyways, how long does it take? Cuz one time it was my last task and I waited for like 1 minute and 16 seconds for the task to end and it didnt work, so I got another Session over.

Also drag and drop is really buggy. When I upload the gameplay on my channel you'll be able to see what I mean, but sometimes when I open a task on my screen, it only moves an inch when I drag it. Also when I open a task, sometimes the tasks that are already open, teleport right by it so I have to drag and drop everything again.

I got confused trying to understand how to complete a task. It took me some time to realize I needed to deactivate some of them, especially the gallery task.

Overall, tell me if these criticisms are even valid, because maybe I just don't get it or maybe some of these are meant to be confusing so that there's no hand holding. Again you can say, "It's meant to be that way."


Power down Is easily the best event. It's really fun to do task while controlling the light. It really makes it tense on what your gonna see.

I like the shadow beans, haha. Well you know what I mean by that. They're kind of goofy looking but I still like them. 

The props really are damn scary. I mean I didnt expect to be too scared by this game, but MY GOSH they're genuinely scarier than I expected.

I like when the lights go off when the timer runs out, everything feels so tense. Especially since you cant crouch in this game lol.

I really do appreciate the unpredictable gameplay, even if there's some parts I don't like.


Do any props move in the Kitchen? because I don't know how to turn the flashlight in a 180 degrees in Power Down mode. I'm not saying I encountered any props in the kitchen, I'm just saying, is there any props that move in the kitchen????

How do I uncurse a prop? I remember u said on ur devlog that I have to look at them while in the dark to uncurse a prop, but when the clock dropped on the floor, I looked at it in the dark for like 3-5 seconds and then I turned the lights back on to step on it and it jump scared me. Do I just not approach it????


Sorry if this review is not that good since I didnt even get to really experience the game cuz I have such a skill issue. Just know that while there's more negatives I put on here, they're not what really kill the game. The positives really make me want to play this game more and more.


Thanks for the feedback!

About the difficulty:

The game is supposed to be be very challenging, I totally agree with the difficulty issues you mentioned. I designed the game so the difficulty ramps up very fast, because I wanted to make every second of the game, intense & content creator friendly. If you remember, I mentioned in the devlogs that I will add a score board to the game, the reason it didn't make it to the final game is because I decided that instead of making the difficulty ramp slow and boring, I want to make it very difficult but intense. When I first started designing the game the first element that I knew for a fact, should be in the game, was a very stressful gameplay.

My answer to the questions:

-When the alert incident is activated, a moving text will appear on the computer screen which tells you everything that you have to do in order to stop lights from going off.

-I agree, events should not happen on night 1, but if nothing interesting happens on night one, then it is a complete waste of time, because on night one no active props spawn. I wanted this night to be a safe place for the player to learn about the events and incidents which are difficult for them, and don't be afraid of props while figuring out the solution to this events & incidents.

-When eclipse sees you a loud sound can be heard and also there will be a visual cue in the sky and also if lights are off, you can see its light. When you hear this sound you have 1.5 seconds to stop touching your mouse and keyboard completely.

-Blood Moon's gameplay idea was that its like Power Down but less dark and props are a lot more aggressive by default on this event. I know this doesn't sound really fun but in higher levels it will cause a lot of chaos. Thunder & Blood Moon are supposed to be easy events and not as progress-ruining as the other two.

-The password task is exactly how you think it is, it requires reading through that text file and finding all the numbers and entering them in order. Also I love to see your gameplay footage! Please notify me when you have put that clip up.

-That task which requires a lot of waiting is random. It can take from 90 to 120 seconds. The idea behind it was that when the player boots up the computer for the first time on a level and sees that task and knows that it could take very long, they do it first first. Also even though it is an easy task, but if it gets combined with an incident which requires you to reboot the computer, it would get problematic.

-Yeah... dragging is buggy, I didn't try much to fix it because I loved how it made the computer seem like it's buggy and outdated. lol

-Yes, props in the kitchen & garage can move. The desk light turns 180 degrees which is just enough to see what is coming out of the kitchen. I intentionally designed it not to show the kitchen completely because active props in kitchen are always at a disadvantage.

-The special objects that can be cursed in the Thunder cannot be uncursed as well as a few other objects that are aggravated during a special event. But everything else can be uncursed if you look at it for 5-10 seconds.

Thank you SO MUCH for your feedback!

Even though I have mostly designed Reanimated to be hard, annoying & confusing but for my next project I will definitely take your advice into consideration. Fortunately I have already planned to make my next horror game less difficult but still stressful.

The core horror idea of Reanimated is that the threat is actively after you under a time limit and you can't flee. But my next game will be much different. In that game, you will have (probably) no time limit and there will not be an active threat. Instead you are forced into a situation and have no other choice but to risk you life and take stupid & risky actions.

I learnt more things from your feedback than everything I ever learnt on classes!