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(4 edits) (+2)


Space Attack: Dragonfish’s space attack is a fireball that does 5 damage, a moderately fast projectile that does little shield damage. The fireball is best used to apply pressure at a distance. This attack has 2 variants, a standard fireball of moderate speed, and a yellow fireball that moves slower, and can be used by inputting Crouch, Forward (facing enemy) + Attack to use. This attack for the most part won’t work great in combo’s because of its dangerous endlag being amplified at melee range.

Dash Attack: Dragonfish’s dash attack is a slide attack that is great for closing distance and deals 6 damage. This attack does low shield damage, makes a good combo starter, with the most consistent combo being Dash, Crouch, Up if you hit it at a close range, though generally dragonfish can gain more out of other attacks. The dash attack, while situational, is a welcome addition to the dragonfish’s kit and can make itself useful from time to time.

Crouch Attack: Dragonfish’s crouch attack is a fast headbutt that deals 6 damage. The crouch attack is the single most important attack in the dragonfish’s kit, being a good juggle tool and dealing high shield damage. The crouch attack has 2 variants, with the standard attack inching you forward during the animation, and an alternate variant that keeps you in place. The standard crouch attack is exceptionally useful for combos, as once you hit an enemy with it, you can walk forward while they are in the air, to either use an up attack or to extend the combo with another crouch attack. It is highly recommended to learn how to properly utilize this attack, as you can gain massive benefit from mastering it.

Up Attack: Dragonfish’s up attack is an upward bite that deals 14 damage. The up attack is a combo finisher, but will often whiff on shield as dragonfish does a jump that raises the hitbox during the attack. This attack has 2 variants, a standard version that deals 14 damage, and an alternate version that does 26 dmg, and can be used by inputting Down, Down, Up + Attack. The Up attack is best used either to attack an enemy jumping at you, or as a followup to a crouch attack, and can be followed up once more by quickly using a dash attack into the opponent before they land. The Up attack is a valuable attack, making for excellent damage that can quickly overwhelm your opponent.

Air Attack: Dragonfish’s air is a downwards bite that does 12 damage. The air attack is a combo starter, that does heavy damage on shield, but can leave you vulnerable to hit if you don’t directly deal damage, if you hit the air attack, you can quickly start juggling with crouch attacks, with the most consistent combo (in my experience) being Air, Crouch, Crouch, Up, and a dash depending on distance, dealing anywhere between 38 and 56 damage depending on if you use the variant Up attack and/or are in range to dash. The air attack is a welcome addition to the kit and can make for fast and strong combos.

Super Attack: Dragonfish’s super attack is a barrage of 11 fireballs, dealing a total of 65 damage if all connect. The super attack plays a simple role, in being a devastating force of damage that can be chained in the middle of a combo in order to defeat your opponents swiftly and efficiently, but due to it being a standard fireball fired many times they can be destroyed by attacks, or the dragonfish can potentially be interrupted and waste their super attack, so use this wisely.

Tips and Tricks: Dragonfish, despite what its projectile implies, gets the most out of being right in the face of your opponent, with high damage combos that can devastate an opponent if they don’t react properly, and it's highly recommended to act in ways your opponent wouldn’t expect, such as mixing up between dash and air attacks when at medium distance. Dragonfish has one of the faster movespeeds in the game, so take advantage of this and try to force your opponent into one of the invisible walls to try to infinite them (infinites can be performed by most characters against a wall, normally either by spamming either the crouch or up attacks while inching forward between attacks.


Some other points:

Dragonfish has 150 HP

while the normal fireball has a lot of endlag, the yellow version does not. because of this, if you keep dashing after using it, you can use your yellow fireball as a moving shield that destroys incoming projectiles and starts combos. it has a lot more startup though, so don't get too predictable.

Dash attack is invincible to all moving projectiles (so things such as dragonfish fireball, but not totem monster's bursted bubble) for a short while. If the opponent is using projectiles up close you can easily close the gap.

you can actually cancel your crouching attack into a yellow fireball attack (both variants of crouch attack can be cancelled, but the non-moving one won't combo). Simply do crouch attack without holding forward, then quickly do the yellow fireball input and press attack. This won't do that much extra damage but it will carry the opponent to the corner al lot quicker and it gives you more reaction time to plan your next move. with this technique you can do things like: air attack > crouch attack > yellow fireball > crouch attack > super. or if the opponent is cornered crouch attack > yellow fireball > crouch attack > yellow fireball > loop this until you get pushed too far, then end the combo with an up attack or super.

up attack beats out opponent's air attacks if you don't time it too late.

if you use up attack while dashing, you will keep some momentum. really important if you want to finish a combo with it.

You already sort of mentioned it, but crouch attack > super attack is an easy combo that makes dragonfish's crouch attack even more terrifying.