Hey there! First off, thanks for you comment on Blazing Passion (and we are still working very hard on NeveN, especially on Maelbjorn's route right now, so I think it'll make you happy haha)!
So, after playing Replay Video, here is my impression. I liked your writing, I know you said you wanted to work a bit more on your foreshadowing at the end of the VN but I think you already do a good job at it. You introduce the concept bit by bit and it's easy to understand thanks to the in-between scenes between each tape.
Omri and Alex are touching, and the story plays well around their relationship, first making us feel sorry for them before giving way to hope.
As for the technical aspects, I appreciate the fact that you drew custom backgrounds, it gives your VN a unique touch.
I thought the music at the beginning was used for a bit too long before the first tape was played, but I suppose that's intended to serve the message about monotony.
On top of that, I encountered an unfortunate bug in the tape where Alex has his heart attack, when I tried to go back to a previous paragraph it totally broke the music for the scene.
But yeah, all in all a positive experience despite the few things I have to say about the technical aspects, so thank you for working on this VN! :)