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A member registered Nov 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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I hope you'll enjoy it!

Nope, the doors are just bigger!

Thank you very much, we're delighted you enjoyed it! And you're in luck, Maelbjorn's route is the next update to be released on 15 August.

That was something! I loved the comedy of RIP Harmony, especially the dialogues between Zest and Bliss, even though I'm not usually a client of some of the slang used in the VN. The one little criticism I can give is that I don't really see the theme, but eh, I really don't think it's that big of a deal.

As for the technical aspect, you made a great use of the sprites and I also appreciate your use of music and your backgrounds!

I, short, I think if you approach RIP Harmony as a silly VN made for fun, I feel like that would be the right mindset to appreciate it fully!

I must say I had a good time with this VN! Cal and Mikkel's relationship was a good basis to what followed, it gave a sense of comfort and sweetness before hitting us with the depression.
The twist is great, although it leaves me wanting more, both on the potential horror that it could bring and on the investigation part that really caught my attention. I believe you said this VN was a prototype for something longer, so maybe, I hope, we'll see more of it! If I had to find a negative criticism to give to the story, I'd say Mycroft could use a better introduction, maybe something smoother. I know you want to play on the randomness of the event, but I believe there might be other ways to do it while maintaining that theme. The presentation is great, be it the CGs, custom backgrounds, custom sprites, and even the small changes to the base sprites of the jam. The music is used efficiently, I can say the technical part was totally mastered! All in all, a great addition to the May Wolf jam!

My Municipality : 

Ok so, I'll have to admit that I was a bit lost with the story at first, obscure Finnish political situations aren't exactly my field of expertise, but it was expertly written and the humor helped a ton to capture my attention! Also, at the moment I'm writing this, My Municipality is my favourite VN when it comes to the implementation of theme, both through a very literal interpretation of the word "expansion" but presented in a creative way.

I appreciate the summary of what actually happened near the end of the VN, it was a nice anchor to reality to show the consequences of this whole story. 

When it comes to the more technical aspects, I must say you have a very nice UI, and I believe you made a good use of Godot for the different special effects in the VN. I think it's rarely mentioned, but you also made a great use of sound effects. 

All in all, I enjoyed My Municipality a lot more than I thought I would, given the subject matter, because you made it both informative and entertaining!

Hey, as always it's a great pleasure to read your commentary! We're glad you are still into the VN after all this time, and you'll soon see a lot of storylines will unravel! :)

I'll take note of the "prey" thing to incorporate it in the VN, thanks a lot for that! I'm not sure I'll find all the sentences where it appears (because I'm pretty sure I made this mistake before?), but from now on I'll avoid using "a prey"! :)

Hey there! We are currently at 357,698 words, and we are in the middle of arc 2, then arc 3 will be the last one for NeveN.

The Fungal Connections story is nice, and it's an upgrade on Package Day as far as grammatical errors go, but there's still room for improvement!

The sprites were quite unique, I loved the idea of the fungal infestation taking control of an anthro especially since I'm very much into body horror, even though it was used for a much sweeter purpose in this case! I think it's also a creative use of the theme, so I think you deserve some recognition for that!

The assets, especially the Queen's sprite, were a welcome addition and a nice supplement to it all.

 I liked your style, straight to the point, but I think I would have to see more of the story to be able to develop a real thought about it. When it comes to the theme, you respected it all right, and the Attack on Titan (but not really) approach to it is interesting, especially since your story implies that there's more to it. As for presentation, you did the effort to modify images and to have some additions to the basic sprites that were offered to us, and I appreciate these details!

So, for the story itself, I can't really judge it because it's an introduction that absolutely needs a follow-up to be complete. However, I liked the general gloomy ambiance you gave to your VN, and your use of a variety of visuals to help convey the elements of the story. It's also interesting to follow a character who may not be 100% good, or at least who is on a path of vengeance. The only cataclysmic decision was to make Anselmo drink directly from a bottle of cider. I consider that an offence and shall declare war on you. But yeah, for what you managed to write, I think it's a good start and I'll wait for the rest of it!

Hey there! First off, thanks for you comment on Blazing Passion (and we are still working very hard on NeveN, especially on Maelbjorn's route right now, so I think it'll make you happy haha)! 

So, after playing Replay Video, here is my impression. I liked your writing, I know you said you wanted to work a bit more on your foreshadowing at the end of the VN but I think you already do a good job at it. You introduce the concept bit by bit and it's easy to understand thanks to the in-between scenes between each tape.

Omri and Alex are touching, and the story plays well around their relationship, first making us feel sorry for them before giving way to hope.

As for the technical aspects, I appreciate the fact that you drew custom backgrounds, it gives your VN a unique touch. 

I thought the music at the beginning was used for a bit too long before the first tape was played, but I suppose that's intended to serve the message about monotony.

On top of that, I encountered an unfortunate bug in the tape where Alex has his heart attack, when I tried to go back to a previous paragraph it totally broke the music for the scene.

But yeah, all in all a positive experience despite the few things I have to say about the technical aspects, so thank you for working on this VN! :)

Hey there! I must say that I truly enjoyed the atmosphere of your VN, it was quite chill, very cozy. The kind of feels good we all love! Also, the dynamic between the characters was well written and each of them had a unique voice.
On the technical aspects, I liked the use you've made of the different sprites, it was particularly cute during the ice skating scene! The CGs were quite touching as well, and you used the music efficiently to convey emotion during each scene. So yeah, I had a good time with your VN!

I liked your writing style, it's ornate and could appear heavy at times, but I think it serves the purpose of the story by making the experience mystical. I found it hard to see the theme in the VN, even based on distant definitions of the word expansion. But I guess that's the problem with a theme like this one, it's hard to see what others are seeing at times.

My biggest concern is that the clues given by the journals are a little too vague for my liking, so I quickly find myself having to spam the options to see the different possibilities, which isn't very interactive. Also, for the technical aspects, I've seen a lot of paragraphs sticking out of the textbox. There should be a way to avoid that by having more, smaller paragraphs. And it was a bit strange to see the sprites floating in the air too. Overall, I'd say it's quite a unique experience thanks to your prose and the general feeling of the VN, although I'm not sure what I've read!

Hey, thanks for the compliments! 

 Unfortunately, this story won't go any further, it's a one-shot for May Wolf. But it was fun to write, if only to show that we can do very different stories! :)

I'm glad you liked it! I was a bit worried that the twist wouldn't be appealing, but I'm reassured by the general reaction! :)

Hey, thanks! It means a lot to us if we can interest you in a story that you wouldn't otherwise be interested in - it means we've succeeded in what we set out to do!

Thanks! It was difficult to write it, but I'm glad to know you've enjoyed it!

Long enough to be uncomfortable I'm sure!

Merci ! Ca fait vraiment plaisir de voir que l'histoire parvient à plaire et que le côté plus sombre ne décourage pas.

Thanks a lot! And I hope you'll recover from it! <3

WTF indeed.

Hey, thanks a lot! We are very glad you liked them all, because we always give our 100% to write each of them!

Glad to see you're enjoying Gilliant! Unfortunately, he won't be a possible route in the future. But he's still going to appear in the different routes!

You are one of the few people to have caught this easter egg haha! We love Temptation's Ballad, so we wanted to give a lil' nod to the VN! :)

It was a patreon build only, the public one will be out the 15!

Bird time is best time. :)

Et on aime toujours autant l'écrire pour vous ! <3

Thank you very much for the kind words, and we can say that we are more motivated than ever to finish this story! We also like to read VNs, so we understand how frustrating it can be when a VN stops in the middle never to give its conclusion, and we'd be the first to be disappointed if we had to stop. This is why we will do our very best to reach a satisfying ending. Then, from there, we intend to write other VNs in this universe if people are up for it!

We hope you'll find what you're looking for in one of the routes from now on, as they should be quite different from each other!

We're delighted to see that you're still enjoying the VN! Hopefully you'll like the rest of the story just as much, especially as things are going to start to vary a lot between the different routes as they progress.

J'espère que tu apprécieras les autres personnages, ils ont chacun une personnalité très différente !

Don't worry, you will be able to go to town with him soon! His next build is in April!

They have almost the same color on the chart, since there is quite a lot of characters, but Erik is winning, not Sven!

Tu ne sais pas à quel point on est heureux de voir des commentaires en français, surtout quand c'est si gentil ! On a très envie de faire découvrir le monde des FVN aux francophones, donc ça nous réchauffe le cœur quand ça atteind ce public. :)

On a tout aussi hâte de te faire découvrir la suite de cette histoire, rendez-vous non pas le mois prochain mais celui d'après !

(ps : l'oiseau sera mis en cage pour sa sécurité)

Hey, thanks, it's always pretty nice and heartwarming to read your comments! :)

As for the gesture, yep, you guessed it right! It was the most logical thing for a bard such as our beloved rabbit!

We are very eager to show all the possibilites around the brands and their different powers and after-effects, you'll see we have some nice surprises in stock for you!

You better buckle up for September's build, because it's big and very important for the overall story. We can't wait to release it!

Yes! NeveN is an important word in this universe, as you will soon find out!

(1 edit)

We're glad you like it! Unfortunately, it was only a one-shot, so there won't be more. However, we are working on a long-term vn called NeveN, if you'd like to take a look at it! 

And thank you for following us! The journey still has a long way to go, and we fully intend to make it even more interesting! :)

Hey, thanks for all these compliments, it's really appreciated! With each build, we are so, so impatient to show more! It will only increase in intensity from now on! I hope you'll tell us what your suspicions were once the MC's gesture of awakening is revealed!