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I love the art and the story! loved this update but ngl I wish the mc would take nomax place and service them both lol but anyway, I was thinking if you have some plan about Arthur route, like if you are planning on releasing something or if you are going to focus on julian and nomax for now, I don't wanna seem rude or like Im rushing you, Im just curious of your plans cuz currently I think he is one of the ones with less content and hes my fav so I was curious (sorry for my bronken english)


Thank you very much, I'm glad that you're enjoying it.
Yes Arthur is one of the 6 characters in the main cast, so he'll get the same treatment as the rest. It's just that of course some character progress goes faster, others slower, but we'll get there when we get there. :)

I think my question came out wrong, sorry! what I was trying to say it's if you guys have like a order of route to work on, like, first you put out julian route, after that Nomax, then Samuel and so on or if you just go with what you feel like working on, without having like a pre-established order, I don't know if this is a rude question to ask, but I hope you didn't feel offended cuz it was not my intention to bother you


Oh, no worries at all. I mean that's what comments are for.
And no, we don't really work on one route specifically or anything like that. We're just keeping all routes more or less level and work through the game that way.
As in day 1 & 2 are done, now day 12 is being and at some point that'll be done and we'll go ahead to whatever day is next on the order to continue things.

We actually did open a poll for that on patreon a while ago, asking if people prefer that kind of "parity" approach, where everything is more or less at the same level of progress, or if people prefer focus on one path/section for a while, then switching to another, then to another. But the majority prefers the current approach so we'll trucking on with it. :)