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A member registered Feb 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yeah! Absolutely isn't necessary to use the cheat. It's just there as a bit of a convenience option for those who support the game financially. :D

Thank you very much, and yes it is actually a birthday gift for me, since i've got mine exactly on the 1st. So there'll be a birthday update every year :D

One of the supporter perks (for any tier), is to get access to a little cheat code to unlock all the artwork, and that button is where you input it.

Thank you very much iosef! :D

Thank you very much :) That's lovely to hear!

Oh, no worries at all. I mean that's what comments are for.
And no, we don't really work on one route specifically or anything like that. We're just keeping all routes more or less level and work through the game that way.
As in day 1 & 2 are done, now day 12 is being and at some point that'll be done and we'll go ahead to whatever day is next on the order to continue things.

We actually did open a poll for that on patreon a while ago, asking if people prefer that kind of "parity" approach, where everything is more or less at the same level of progress, or if people prefer focus on one path/section for a while, then switching to another, then to another. But the majority prefers the current approach so we'll trucking on with it. :)

Thank you very much, I'm glad that you're enjoying it.
Yes Arthur is one of the 6 characters in the main cast, so he'll get the same treatment as the rest. It's just that of course some character progress goes faster, others slower, but we'll get there when we get there. :)

Oh, my bad, forgotr that i still had to answer this. Yes there will be in the future.

Yes, there is a mac version you can download :)

He's a smart bean after all.

Should be explained above. It is pretty tricky to get though, so if you can give me more info on where you might be stuck i might be able to help.

Thank you very much, and yeah, the possibilities! :D

I aim to provide nothing less! :D

If you're talking about day 12, the decision to try and stay or leave is currently the end of the game.

Thank you very much!
Pretty simple, just gotta collect all Sam points on Day 1. Spoilers below.

Pretty simple really, just go for the dinner and share the asparagus. I think that's more or less all? Always difficult to remember these off of the top of my head.

I'm very happyto hear that! Yeah a ship like this just provides a great space to bring in all sorts of weird situations, and it works great to have characters develop their relationship with one another, since they are kind of forced to do so given the small space they are living in.

It does actually work surprisingly well for a Visual Novel where that is exactly what you want, and i'm happy it seems to be working! :D

Hah, I'm glad you're enjoying him! :)

(1 edit)

Well, that's how stories work that are still a work in progress. At some point they just end without having a conclusion yet :D

You'll find out in the future!

Hah! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yeh Nomax is good fun to write, of course other's will get their spots as well, but since he's such a different character to the rest he gets a bit of an early start while some of the others still need a little bit. But we'll be getting there now that Day 12 is around, and the Morocco section afterward.

But yes, very happy that you're enjoying your time with it :)

Thanks a ton! Really happy to hear that you're enjoying it!

Anything that's day12. It's not multiple outcomes necessarily, but the scene itself has multiple variants depending on who the character is with whom you have the best relationship with.

There are two ways. Spoilers below obviously.

One i don't know by heart since it's been a while since i plopped it in, but i think you have to piss Arthur off on day 1 in his dinner scene, and then on day 2 after the Samuel accident and you end up talking to him you can choose to walk off. That should trigger it.

Or the day2 evening scene with Rajeeyah, you can ask her for sex as a payment for your help, and that'll get you sent to it as well (Though I've been made aware that there might be a mess up that makes the game crash for this one in update 11. Not sure if it always happens, but either way should work again come Update 12.)

One of the routes if you piss off certain characters enough.

I'm glad you're enjoying it! He's more of a support character, so his screentime will be more limited, but in some of the paths in the near future he'll play a bit of a role :)

Hey hey, I mean I would love to, but it would just require too much reworking to sort it out. The character is present in quite a few of the illustrations, and feline traits are mentioned in, and in some cases are, the reason for some scenes, and for a gender swap it would require even more effort to adjust the scenes and story to accomodate that.

So unfortunately, that is not within the scope of this project unless there's going to be a massive increase in the money we've got available. Reason being that every part of that would need to be done by someone else, since I myself am at full capacity working on what's there currently. So all the art, story and scripting changes would need to be done by other people.

3rd of the first CG for Julian needs a Julian win at the dice game (probably with a decently high relationship with him. Can't quite remember off of the top of my head without looking right now)
second pictue for Julian is a bit more involved. There area few ways to get it, but the easiest one is probably have a high relation to Julian, then win the dice game and ask Julian about below his waist. That should open up a scene with him in the evening of day2.

Pah, look, never say never, but I want to keep it pretty slice-of-life-y, so i'm not sure we'll ever get quite THAT intense in the game.

Ah thank you very very much! I'm glad that you enjoyed it that much and glad that you did actually get lucky and find it. Also of course thank you very much for leaving a review and helping to make sure others won't have quite such a difficult time as you did. Because yeah, one of the easiest, cheapest and single most helpful thing one can do for a VN they enjoy, is to leave a 5* review on here.

Get's the game pushed further up the lists when people search for the big search terms and thus more people get to try it. :)

Overall though itch's algorithm is pretty alright, let's be honest. More unknown games might be a few scrolls away but they're certainly out there and possible to be found! It's not nearly as awful as other algorythmically-based sites where if you don't do the numbers then you're just not getting shown to anyone.

Nomax himself has no connection to france, and yeah generally I only talk about stuff as far as the story has gone now, so not that it necessarily would be a mega spoiler or not, but just out principle keeping quiet about the rest. Same as me, don't have any connection to france, really.

But yeah, I'm glad you enjoyed it, and happy to have you on board so to speak! :D

Haha, the sneakiest developer around! I hope you'll enjoy it!

Deleting individual saves you can do by simply hovering over the save slot and hitting delete if you're on a device with a keyboard.

If you want to wipe all your progress you'll have to delete save directory. Renpy doesn't save it in the game folder itself, which makes migration between versions quite easy.

On windows they are located in C:Users/YourName/AppData/Roaming/RenPy/GameName
For different platforms you can find the paths where the save directory is located over here:

You should find a folder called "ConwayGame-(SomeNumber)" and that's where all the saves are located, along with the persistent data (the stuff that unlocks the gallery).
Deleting that should get rid of ALL your progress if you want to start over entirely.

He's one of the slow starters. We'll get there.

The dice roll for the bet (whether you take part or not) is rng, yes. All the outcomes offer different small scenes and potentially things that influence scenes further down the line. So you just rolled the number(and had the prerequesites) to get that particular scene.

Works like a charm!
Though if implementing it in your game I would add a quick pixel_width() to to the input. Just to avoid saves called "WWWWWWWWWWWW" breaking the UI.

Thanks a bunch! Happy to hear that the dumb idiot appeals to people. :D

:D Thank you so so much. Glad you got lucky then and that you can join us along this journey!

Thank you very much :D

I'm glad to hear :D

I explained it one of the comments on the main page, so just have a peek over there :)

Thanks a bunch! Really happy that people are enjoying it, and it just makes it even more exciting to get to continue working on it!

Possibly spoilers if anyone wants to avoid those.

Basically just hang around with Wolf as much as possible without being annoying (this is important), if you've done that just make sure to to save before (!) playing hazard with Julian and Wolf because you have to win and the winning part is rng so it might take a few reloads, after you've won and you're presented with the choice to ask a favor of Wolf just go with "You must have some... fun stories. Very intimate ones." and after that go with "Maybe you can tell me in private?", next choice go with "You try to find Wolf so that you can make good on your suggestion to mend his shirt." and that's basically it.