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Very interesting take comparing the Indie scene to the Punk scene. I don't think I would've ever made that sort of connection, but I can see it, and think your take is quite valid. It makes me think of a project like Dave the Diver which is hailed as an incredible indie game, but is actually backed by a Billion dollar corporation. It's certainly an interesting space for discourse, what would a studio/developer have to do to be considered "indie" or "punk" in your mind. How do companies like Larian, CDPR, or SuperGiant fit in vs EAs and Ubisofts?


Thanks for your comment! I sincerely believe that labels (whether punk or indie) without acts are useless, with the games themselves and the treatment between the creators should be enough to see what is truly indie and what is commercial 'indie'. The fanzine was created so that the local creators can support each other and know how to identify when capitalism is doing its thing and not fall (or consciously fall) in its game. What companies do or how we should identify them is honestly irrelevant to me, obviously they are also creators, but if they are where they are it is because they have used the mechanisms of capital and will continue to do so with all that this entails on a human level.