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The Turbo Bug has hidden away in CLASSIC GAME for over a decade now, and sometimes jams your speed up.  I attempted many times to fix it but it seems to be a forever problem.

It really is just One Of Those Things, in that I could never get rid of it entirely.  I believe it boils down to RPG Maker sometimes not being given enough time to run through a speed reset script before gameplay resumes, so it only occasionally neglects to correct your movement rate before the player resumes control, leaving you Very Fast Indeed.

CLASSIC GAME was a big learning project for me, so it is quite crude in its scripts when I go over them, but amazingly mostly works out alright.

Thanks for playing in any case, and if I could suggest only one thing, it would be to try dying somewhere else entirely and see if you're still fast on that last life.

I did learn to be very careful with speed changes since this issue came to light though.