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A member registered Jun 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

You can typically carry a number of things, the GLAIVE, a SIGIL and a LORDSTOP, for example.  This allows you to conduct combat, open gates, and repel LORDS simultaneously.

This is not a bug.  Retaining all 3 requires finesse and making sure you don't drop and forget things as you go.

Piled items isn't a bug as such, I pile them up and out of the way while I BREW TONICS or JAR HERBS.

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I'm looking into it, but would like more information if you can provide it.  What SIGIL color?  What GATE color?

Edit: I found a RED SIGIL had unusual scripts which allowed it to be picked up slightly "differently" than the other SIGILS, which could perhaps be your issue.  I can't understand how in any circumstances you might pick up more than 1 SIGIL at a time though, so are you sure it was two SIGILS and not a SIGIL and a LORDSTOP?  A LORDSTOP could be used up right as you open a gate if a LAYER LORD was lurking on the other side, emptying your hands entirely as it were.

I changed how jumps operate as I believe they are the source of your clipping issue.  I believe it is something about being caught by an ANGEL at the exact moment you landed from jumping over a fence, respawning before the jump had "completed".

I went over a great many jumps in an attempt to remedy this issue.

Interesting that the RABBITS are sometimes dead, couldn't presently say why.  Chippies might be pathfinding like TOOLCUBE to a degree, bumping against (invisible) events.  I blame their animal senses making them nervous, which I suppose they well should be.

(2 edits)

Nicely done, and congrats!  I wonder what things are left hidden still?

Qvq lbh SNYY sebz gur QRNGU GBJRE?

It's good to take breaks, too.

Jura lbh hfr gur PRYYCUBAR va lbhe ONT BS GUVATF, vg fubhyq nyybj lbh gb nepuvir be znff qryrgr ure grkgf.

Gbhpu YRJVF n ybg nsgre ur neevirf.

Uryyb, yrg'f unir n ybbx...

Svefgyl, gur +10 YBIR vf n oht, ohg gunaxf sbe abgvpvat. Lbh'er bayl fhccbfrq gb trg vg bapr sbe znxvat D DHVG, ohg vg xrcg nccylvat vg jurarire lbh yrsg, fb V'ir svkrq gung.

V oryvrir gur QRNGU ZLFGVP fnlf TVEY "jnf" ng EBBZ BS ERQ OBQVRF, ohg gung "fur jvyy svaq lbh". Lbh unir gb grkg ure BSSREF BS URYC hagvy fur erfcbaqf cbfvgviryl, naq gura ybpngvat ure fubhyq orpbzr fbzrjung zber nccnerag.

Nggrzcgvat gb fhzzba YRJVF bapr ur rfpncrf guebhtu gur OYNPX QBBE erdhverf er-havgvat jvgu TVEY naq cebprrqvat jvgu GUR EVGHNY.

Vs YRJVF terj hc rabhtu gb tb bhgfvqr be yrnir UBZR jvgu lbh ragveryl, vg jbhyq unir orra cbffvoyr sbe uvz gb uhag n srj ZVPR, juvpu vf n xrl fgrc gb cerirag uvz sebz gheavat vagb LBJYRE.

Nyfb, rira vs obgu TVEY naq YRJVF jrer erzbirq ol GUR EVGHNY, V nz cerggl fher lbh fubhyq fgvyy or noyr gb trg gb gur svanyr. Vg jbhyq whfg erdhver na nygreangr (yrff boivbhf) ragel cbvag gb nibvq orpbzvat pnhtug va n "onq raq/nybar raqvat".

(3 edits)

Uryyb naq gunaxf sbe gur dhrel.

Gur YNZC vf whfg Rnfg/arkg qbbe sebz Myhqarxf va GBJA. N zna jub gheaf gb PELFGNY arneol unf vg naq jvyy ab ybatre arrq vg.

Nf sbe srrqvat PNGF, juvyr riraghnyyl lbh pna hfr n YRNFURQ PNG gb uhag ZVPR, lbh'yy creuncf svaq rneyvre fhpprff ol nggenpgvat UHATEL ENGF va na nonaqbarq ohvyqvat va GBJA, ivn SYBBE PNAQL. Gurer'f na nonaqbarq ohvyqvat jvgu 3 FDHNGGREF, naq whfg Abegu bs gung vf nabgure juvpu unf n qrnq eng bhgfvqr. V oryvrir gurer lbh znl svaq jung lbh frrx (n sbbq bcgvba sbe n png).

Lbh pna nyfb npdhver qrnq zvpr sebz gur WHAX QRNYRE ng UBZR.


UBBQ & UNG ner fbyq ol MYHQARX nsgre ur yrnirf GBJA bapr lbh ohl nyy uvf jnerf.

Ur fubhyq fryy 3 be 4 vgrzf naq gura fnl gung ur vf zbivat ba. Unf guvf bppheerq?

FGRJ OBJYF jrer fgberq fbzrjurer naq sbetbggra, erdhvevat uvtu QVIVAVAT gb abgvpr. Gurl jrer nyy bapr oebxra, nyfb, naq zraqrq. V oryvrir gurl ner vaqrcraqrag bs FBHY FURANAVTNAF.

Gurer vf n YVOENEL ABGR nobhg gur FGBAR GNOYR naq GNOYRQ FBHYF. Qvzvahgvir FBHYF naq gur cbjre bs pvepyrf be Fngna be fbzrguvat.

How he works is when he is "puffing" he is counting down until he becomes conversational again.

What I will do in an attempt to mitigate your issue is I'll leave him looping the puffing animation until you speak to him again, instead of being on a timer which is, as you say, likely interrupted by wielding the GLAIVE.  Thus he should "puff" until you speak to him, no timer involved.  It should allow him to flipflop without breaking anything.  I haven't reproduced your actual bug, but I can sort of see why it would happen in any case.

(1 edit)

Could you possibly tell me what of his activities you've done?

Did you just meet him, have you [REDACTED]?

HOME GAME 3 community · Created a new topic Thanks again

Big thank-you to anyone who bought HOME GAME 3 over the last year-and-a-half, and to the new players from the past few weeks.  Your support is well appreciated, and the bug reports are good for everyone in the end.  

It was preparing a cutscene of sorts, but using the incorrect setup, so it never went anywhere.

(2 edits)

Thanks for the clip, that door ran CLOT DOOR A instead of C.  I've fixed it now and re-uploaded.  Good catch.

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That square would be the LAMP.

Edit: Vg vf va GBJA

(1 edit)

Should you download an updated installer?

As of my writing this message, the answer to anyone reading is: YES.

I hope you might consider re-downloading the most up-to-date installer.

There are some impactful and important little fixes in this most current updated installer, enough that I recommend re-installing.

Right before I released the game I made last-minute changes to some filenames which, of course, had unexpected RIPPLE EFFECTS.

That issue  has been dealt with alongside some other oddities, as well as what was discovered in the Bug Report Thread.

Thank-you for stopping by and for playing HOME GAME 3.

HOME GAME 3 community · Created a new topic Walkthrough

I'm currently trying to write up a step-by-step guide on progressing through to the conclusion, but it might take a little while, so you're on your own for now.  I could certainly still help with any questions you have, until something more self-contained becomes available.

That is very kind of you; cheers for having a go at it and I'm glad if it was something memorable.

In your own time there are only a handful, and in the future there are none, so I went back and added a special vendor in the distant past who has a stock of them.

Thank-you for documenting such a thorough playthrough, and finding some nice bugs to squash as you went.  I'm glad it went reasonably well.

Lots of good observations and things for me to consider moving forward.  I feel you on various points, and I'll have a look at communicating one or two extra things as the player potentially misses something.  There even used to be a vendor for the ?S, but I removed the option when I added their usable stat boost effect.

The Columbarium has always definitely been a trial, their positions are highly variable and they flip between movement methods when you go in and out of hiding, so it can produce quite a wall of sorts as they try to prevent your entry.  I kinda like it because they don't grind you down rapidly, just one sanity at a time, but I could easily enough look at a wider path or more stairs to the entrance or what have you.

For T.Layers, I am pretty sure there's enough SIGILS to open all the GATES, but it's hard to figure out if it's nonetheless possible to break it with some unexpected order.  There's two red, two blue, two purple and one black, and I don't think any are locked behind a colored gate, so it seems to be okay on the surface.  I know I sometimes get lost trying to find them all myself.

All in all, an interesting examination of my game, and I hope other people find something to enjoy about it or some bug I can improve the game by fixing.

Thank-you very much for purchasing HOME GAME 3, and I hope more LEWIS finds you next time!

Some interesting tips in there!  It makes me wonder about alternate avenues which might be slotted, but it seems accurate enough as things stand.  I tried for a long time to make it so you could "do" everything, but more and more outcomes seemed to preclude each other.  In the end you still might eventually do something you can't take back, as it were.  I am often forgetting "steps" when I play through, but it's kind of fun to me, perfecting some kind of route, writing it down and sorting it out.

You should, however, be able to do "basically everything" in a single playthrough, if the order of activities is adequate.

(4 edits)

That's very funny, I could see why it would happen right away.  It is now set to require the correct OFFERS OF HELP to appear, so no more Pop-ins, I'd imagine.


Edit2: ALL OF THE ABOVE are accounted for in the current INSTALLER uploaded.

(2 edits)

I've moved him, but I do know the bones can be moved out of very tight spots by moving around a lot, sometimes they will "follow" you into a square, opposite the push.  Hopefully it works better now.

It seems the item isn't checked for in the parallel event, because removing it would end said event.  I'll have to figure out a solution yet, but you detected it correctly.  Edit: I made an adjustment to how it tracks the ITEMS required for the result.

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Well-spotted, my EAST and my WEST got reversed, while the northerly movement was due to the HORIZONS having changed when I moved an event.

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I had a look and it did not remove from party at the RESULTS, and while there were HOME chat cases for results of 2+, there weren't any for 1 (presumably forgotten since it is a "negative" state, as it were, absence of being there at all.)

That's another good find, and I'm glad that the dialogue gave away the error.

(1 edit)

[REDACTED] is a great find.  It's exactly what you said, so I put a case for If Pulled [REDACTED] Lever, upon re-entering [REDACTED].

TOOL CUBE pathfinding might come down to how many invisible events might still Forbid Event Overlap, it's something I think collides on occasion.  Chalk it up to swamp being difficult terrain?  At least you can summon TOOL CUBE to your side.

The [REDACTED] sure do get around, but I've never lost enough to warrant a reset as it were.  They all respawn far to the West as you slay them, so I most often find it's hard enough just tracking them down.

I'll reupload the installer with these new fixes, and cheers, good observations so far.

Ubyq jnyxvat vagb gur VZCEVFBARQ GERR, fb vg synfurf sbe n gvzr.

"Unccl ubyvqnlf, uhu..."

(4 edits)

Before 4 OMENS: I believe this is correct, if they become UNWELL, they cannot receive him.  This does have repercussions, later.  Taking it a step further, if you FED IT and then never opened the carrier, you would still lose out at C4.

Before 5 OMENS: That sounds correct also, but I still weirdly want to put some kind of back door there to get the BLACK PLANTER after-the-fact.  I don't believe missing it is "fatal", but would prevent one or two possibilities of the 666.  Edit: I've made an alternate route for C5+ to get the planter, if they missed the earlier opportunity.

XMAS TREE: I think you're able to get it whenever. I don't believe it's tied to anything but exploring that place.


Thank-you for this, it led to me checking my jumps over and color-coding them.

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Only some players attempt to collect the cans one at a time.  There are ways to acquire hundreds of cans very rapidly.

Edit: You can probably find a bag of 99 cans somewhere, for instance, to get a quick boost of money, or a spell such as VOID 1 might facilitate rapid can acquisition.

HOME GAME 3 community · Created a new topic 4 years

I have now spent 4 years developing this game.

Thanks for stopping by.   I like to get my older games into more hands than not, so they are often free.

HOME GAME 3 community · Created a new topic Coming along

So much good progress on the game lately, it is really shaping up.  I've finished some unexpected and surprising new functionality, while every level is now complete, every item placed.  I have a few more things to conclude and then the credits will roll.

Thank-you for sticking around this long.

It is kind of you to say so.  I am glad you are finding enjoyment in it; I am also excited for everyone to see the new stuff not yet released.

(1 edit)

Just wanted to say thanks to the handful of new purchasers.  The full game will become available to download nearer the end of the year.

The Turbo Bug has hidden away in CLASSIC GAME for over a decade now, and sometimes jams your speed up.  I attempted many times to fix it but it seems to be a forever problem.

It really is just One Of Those Things, in that I could never get rid of it entirely.  I believe it boils down to RPG Maker sometimes not being given enough time to run through a speed reset script before gameplay resumes, so it only occasionally neglects to correct your movement rate before the player resumes control, leaving you Very Fast Indeed.

CLASSIC GAME was a big learning project for me, so it is quite crude in its scripts when I go over them, but amazingly mostly works out alright.

Thanks for playing in any case, and if I could suggest only one thing, it would be to try dying somewhere else entirely and see if you're still fast on that last life.

I did learn to be very careful with speed changes since this issue came to light though.

Much appreciated.  Thank-you, and have a nice day.

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Thank-you very much for such an interesting examination of the project, and I hope other people might encounter similar fates whether or not they put it into words here on itch.

The recent couple of maps took both a long time to complete and more than a few pages of new sprites.  I don't want the quality or depth to suffer right when I'm getting to some of the most important parts, so it's slow going, but I'm also trying new things all the time, which is...exciting.

I have some music to do by now also, for these new locations and events, which I'll get around to over the summer.

I don't know how, but people always try things in-game I've never once considered, so my own window into the game seems to prevent my ever noticing some issues.  Try to break it!

That said, I am not surprised THE DESCENDER has proven to be a source of issues, as it is one of the earliest unique enemy events and might be due for a tune-up.  I still can't say why it behaves oddly on occasion, but during the production of HOME GAME 3, I swear there was a Windows update which somehow changed the nature of how invisible events in RPG Maker 2000 interact, resulting in events which used to pass freely over one another no longer doing so.  Maybe it's the Steam version of RM2k, I don't know, but it was a bit of an issue to adapt and work within this new framework...All kinds of invisible events started colliding, even if they did not historically.  

I've found one or two genuine bugs in RPG Maker 2000 itself by now also.  For instance, the REMOVE HELMET script removes your BODY equipment slot!

Any weird bugs people have reported on here are appreciated and serve to improve the final game.

Cheers for the kind words and for anyone who has yet to stop by.