Hi Michael, thank you for bringing this to my attention! I had no idea the hardware information call would require elevated privileges. 😱 I removed it and just uploaded a new version 0.0.18. Could you try it and see if you’re still having the same problem? Thank you so much! 😄
I am happy to report thatelevated privileges are no longer requested. However, I still have an issue. I managed to turn on text to speech, but speech is not produced. I checked in the json settings file, and it is set to true. I wonder what speech subsystem you’re using on linux? I am pretty familiar with linux accessibility, being a blind user, so perhaps I can help debug this. Lmk!
The standard speech abstraction layer for linux is called speech dispatcher. It acts as a bridge to many different synthesizers available on linux. I know there are packages for dotnet that can use speech dispatcher, let me look it up and dget back to you. I know the developer of stardew access, a mod for stardew valley which uses dotnet either wrote or uses a speech plugin that supports mac windows and linux. No idea about android though. Again I’ll look it up and get back to you.
I found it, it’s called cross speak. You can find it at https://github.com/khanshoaib3/CrossSpeak hth!