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(2 edits) (+1)

I Appreciate you going over my "unofficial guide" and adding what I missed, I will say a good bit of the things you say is stuff I knew but forgot to write down, such as the happy and mad crouch movement or the totem monster snuffing projectiles with attacks (Id say about 30% stuff I knew 70% stuff I didnt) I guess now that you gave all these additions on the guide its technically a "official guide". I will say the ammount of stuff I missed tends to correlate with which characters I play most, with L&O and Dragonfish being my most played, and shella snail being my least lol. Anyways thanks for giving an in depth correction of what I missed, and good luck with the future of the game.

Ps: I pledge the "the super turn around shield ignore glitch" should be renamed the "U-turn Driveby glitch"