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lol, Well it's true that I got inspired by BTP, but I haven't played Dreadful Whispers myself and I'll try to make the next update more creative and original.

Thanks for the feedback tho.


Yes that would be great to see the next updates more creatively done. Evidently you've done all the hard-work, and that's why it puzzles me; why did you work hard to replicate an experience which is already available. Just want to know your perspective. But anyway, it's good work. 

Well as a developer I didn't knew much about Designing so I followed BTP's art for practice. The theme I got for the jam match his game "The Other Side", but I didn't wanted to make the exact game for same theme "2 worlds", so I followed more his art and got everything he made for reference. 

I'm still practicing designing, hopefully I'll make more creative content by my own.