Thanks for playing. Are you able to talk me through your issue step-by-step? I tried it a few times and couldn’t reproduce the bug you describe.
Viewing post in Ny Vydh Steren Vyth jam comments
The order of things I did to the left house was fish bones, paint on the house, paint on the wall, and then the flyers (don't remember which order). Unfortunately I didn't notice which one didn't count for a star, but I had the house looking like you do in the screen shot.
As for the rest of my actions, I tried to spread them out between the houses somewhat. I don't exactly remember the order of actions I took but it was something like:
Center house -> Radio, Left house -> Fish bones, Right house -> tourist, Right house -> trash truck, Center house -> Paint, Left house -> Paint, Right house -> Paint, Center house -> Flyers, Left house -> flyers, Right house -> flyers. If it's worth noting, I also picked up the barrel and tried all sorts of stuff with it (I think I did this right after painting).
I can't guarantee that's the order I did things, but I think that was pretty close... I really should've taken a screen shot though I don't know how helpful that would've been..
I did not find the Krakens! I just tried again, and still couldn't find them, I was trying things with the barrel and eventually there was a little symbol on it (was that a kraken?) I assume one of them is near the beach where the undesirable sunbather goes, because I found a spot that emits noise when interacted with, but couldn't figure out how to do anything with it... That being said though I was able to beat it this time! Really at a loss as to why that left house didn't drop to 0 on my first playthrough.