Well I don't know for sure if it's my high score, but I got to around 76 on a good run. Since the game restarts immediately after the death animation it's really hard to catch it!
I really like the idea of this and it looks nice. Certainly it gives the feeling of being a large, draconic creature.
I found the controls pretty sluggish, I'd often push a button several times because I frantically wanted to act quicker. I understand that the bite would be overpowered if you could easily use it to regain health, but I have no idea who you'd be able to hit with it at any time. Either enemies are too close or too far away. If the idea is to time it when certain enemies get into perfect range, that's definitely beyond my abilities. :) I feel some of these issues would be lessened if turning left and right could be done quicker.
It would also help to have more indication of when an enemy is hit, not just for clarity to the player but to give that sense of accomplishment. Sound effects, visual effects, voice effects, any or all of those could be used to make the player feel like they're actively accomplishing things, beyond the defeated enemies toppling over afterward.
A slower ramp-up would be nice over all, giving players enough time to acclimatize to the controls against the weakest enemies before piling on the more challenging ones. I think, in general, it's difficult to pull off a satisfying feel to gameplay when the player is intended to be slow and lumbering against enemies who are quick and mobile, as the reverse usually feels more enjoyable.