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Finally got around to playing this again after the updates, and I've gotta say that this is incredible. More wonderful lore, more enemies, more characters, cool interactions between certain characters; this is fantastic. Even what I'm assuming to be secrets (breaking out of boundaries, specific character interactions between the player and a certain npc, etc.) are a joy to uncover. Honestly, I can't wait for there to be more content.

Also, it's nice that there's a Steam page for it. It sorta has that "official" feel to it, y'know? At least, I know some people have preconception about games on, so hopefully having the option to play it on Steam will encourage more people to give it a try.

I can't really think of specific areas to improve upon at the moment, to be honest. The only thing I'm curious about is the frequency of unexpected events. Maybe it's because I was playing the game a long time, but it seemed to happen more frequently than I expected.  Perhaps I'm just that lucky (or unlucky depending on the context...)

Either way, really I'm just hungry for more content, and I eagerly await whatever you come up with next. Seriously, you've done a wonderful job so far, and I wish you the best in developing this game (or other stuff if you ever choose to do something else).


Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate that you come back for the update and liked the new content. There's still much much more to add, I hope that the updates will meet your expectations