Nova Friburgo, June 8th 2024
I was just checking my e-mail and saw last post.
I didn't even know it was possible to reply e-mail from itch using the e-mail before it and now I think interesting to find that some of yor games are in those bundles I found on the page of your store here in Itch.
I didn't even imaginated that had a bundle to help people here in South of Brasil, Rio Grande do Sul here. Just watched on tv some days/weeks ago that had near 900.000 people that had to leave their homes and about 15% had no where to go, but most had moved to other places and people back to their homes in some places where the water back down.
I felt like i was in those tv movie fantasy worlds after I saw a house of two floors with only the hoof out of the water. I am very far from where it happen but still surprised.
P.S. Maybe I talked to much but hope you all have good sales.