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(1 edit)

Spoiler (in case)

Ah- We did not know this was released earlier in a different way! Makes more sense! We are glad to hear we may be getting more Lat-Tate in the future!

tbh...I think most creators don't think a character will get as popular (especially one who is supposed to be a bad/evil character) as they think...but I think people nowadays have started to appreciate well written antagonists/morally incorrect characters! A great example my friend gave was Vincent from Dead Plate! People love him despite his true nature! I think another good example is Jax from Digital Circus as well!

We just love analyzing characters and lore! Theory crafting is one of our most favorite activities! I can't wait to use what I learn from your games for when I go into the field as well! I said it before, but I plan to go to college to study Computer Science for Game Development and I have been trying to learn many different aspects of what goes into games! Me and my friend, like I said, are making a project and we hope to maybe one day make a game for that project as well!

Anyway- Sorry for rambling! I just want to say thanks again for making such a wonderful game! I haven't actually checked out your other two games (I've obviously already played FrostBite and this game) but I might try to get time to do that now! I hope you, your husband, and anyone on the Scopophobia Studios team have a wonderful day and life! Here is to hoping for more amazing games from ya'll in the future!!! :D