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A member registered Feb 04, 2024

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(1 edit)

Spoiler (in case)

Ah- We did not know this was released earlier in a different way! Makes more sense! We are glad to hear we may be getting more Lat-Tate in the future!

tbh...I think most creators don't think a character will get as popular (especially one who is supposed to be a bad/evil character) as they think...but I think people nowadays have started to appreciate well written antagonists/morally incorrect characters! A great example my friend gave was Vincent from Dead Plate! People love him despite his true nature! I think another good example is Jax from Digital Circus as well!

We just love analyzing characters and lore! Theory crafting is one of our most favorite activities! I can't wait to use what I learn from your games for when I go into the field as well! I said it before, but I plan to go to college to study Computer Science for Game Development and I have been trying to learn many different aspects of what goes into games! Me and my friend, like I said, are making a project and we hope to maybe one day make a game for that project as well!

Anyway- Sorry for rambling! I just want to say thanks again for making such a wonderful game! I haven't actually checked out your other two games (I've obviously already played FrostBite and this game) but I might try to get time to do that now! I hope you, your husband, and anyone on the Scopophobia Studios team have a wonderful day and life! Here is to hoping for more amazing games from ya'll in the future!!! :D


Wow- I really got my friend interested in Tate (Platonically because they are AroAce; I'm the only one simping) because we both ended up very upset to see that not only did he die in the bad ending...but also in the Therapy and True endings as well- we only have two endings left (No Pill and Secret) and we can't wait for us to finish it!

P.S. Fox...We know there are probably going to be upset that the True ending had Tate dying...and although me and my friend were upset too (my friend more so because I have learnt to accept my fav characters dying due to Dnaganronpa)...BUT DO NOT LET ANYONE PUSH YOU INTO FEELING GUILTY FOR THAT DEATH!!! YOU CHOSE TO KILL OFF TATE FOR YOUR STORY AND IT WORKS PERFECTLY!!! IT'S YOUR GAME, SO IT'S YOUR DECISION!!! NO ONE ELSE!!!

Thank you for making this game! It's been an inspiration on us for our own project! We can't wait to see more games from Scopophobia Studios (like a potential full release of FrostBite) in the future! 

...Why would you want to get freaky with that asshole anyway...? /hj XD

Did you have the game before hand as the demo...? you might be launching the wrong version-

Did you buy the actual full game...? also- I believe this version is the demo without the directors cut-


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They replied to another person earlier saying that a steam release is in the works!

...I don't know why I thought there was only a bad and good ending...BUT I AM SO GLAD IT WASN"T NOW!!!


I got the Separate Ways my first ending- If I had decided to continue the route I was going where I broke Tate's toilet instead of resetting to a save point (because I knew about the cute CG moment with Tate and Randall)...I definitely would have missed out! and the only reason I still got the ending was because we (I was on VC with a friend) found Lucy and my friend told me to save and try touching it...Then the horrific events of Mya being hunted started-

tbh...I was STILL under the impression that there were only two endings at this point...I ended up getting so overstimulated and upset (I was very upset because I thought either Mya would have to kill Tate or no matter what Mya was gonna die) that I needed to take a breather (which happened at the save right before the truck chase scene) to calm down...I am so glad my friend was there talking to me because I almost couldn't continue the game (in fact I probably wouldn't have the balls to play it in the first place without my friend there)

...I am happy to have continued the game...And I gave a HUGE sigh of relief that it was actually only 1 ending out of 6!!! I still find it funny that this was my first ending that I got! I definitely got close to either getting the bad or true ending if I didn't get this ending...especially since I at first didn't pay attention to the ending guide! Now me and my friend are on the quest to get all the endings!!!

This game has definitely became my second favorite RPG (sorry...nothing is gonna topple Undertale/Deltarune anytime soon) of all time!!! I hope this game gets a strong fandom because this is top notch story telling and lore!!! Games like these are what has inspired me to go into the major of Computer Science for Game Development next year (I'll be going to college in the fall) and try to become a game developer!!!

Update: ...I had realized that breaking Tate's toilet was a big I went back to a save point just before I met him and didn't break his toilet...BUT I MADE UP FOR IT BY BREAKING ALL THE URINALS IN THE HOSPITAL!!!  >:D

(P.S. Vic is STILL the worst...)

:O  Thank you! I will be sure to find it! Although...I need to get tumblr first...but I was planning to get it anyway! :D

I was only able to play til I just met Tate and Amy and now I am about to sleep for the next day (in game)...but I was doing this in a Discord VC and had a blast with some of my friends! I think I am making one of my friends interested in this fandom...This is the THIRD time I have done that to them LOL! XD

Anyway! Here are two laughable things that happened on that VC call:

1. Brookie: *sees Tate* ...His hair looks like a latte-

Me: ...I guess you can say...He's a Lat-TATE! XD

2. My friend ended up yelling at me for breaking Tate's how I broke Randall's toilet...I SWEAR IT WAS LIKE THAT WHEN I GOT THERE!!! I BLAME DELTARUNE FOR MY OBSESSION OF MESSING WITH TOILETS!!! XD

Anyways! I am about to continue the game with my friends, but I was just wanting to share some funny moments from yesterday!

(P.S. If anyone wants to make a photoshop or fanart of Tate as a latte...PLEASE DO SO!!! I WANT TO SEE THAT!!! XD)

btw...I am planning to screenshare my gameplay with my online friends- They get to hear me scream, voice act (Possibly poorly), and simp for Tate in real time!~ :> XD

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...why am I not surprise at the responses...? XD

I just reread the content warnings and I have two questions:

1. "Animatronics"...FNAF is strong with this one isn't it...? /j

2. "Pregnancy/stress induced early birth"...WHOSE PREGNANT?!?!