I agree, the biggest takeaway I have about my writing is the lack of using narration. It made it extremely difficult for me to portray the story. I was told by a teacher back in high school that I relied on narration too much in my creative writing, and that I needed to stop. I took that critique way too literally, and it hurt all of my stories in the jam as a result. This is exactly why I wanted to take part, so I can know my biggest pitfalls before I go any further with my other project.
That, plus not doing any creative writing for over twenty years is not a good combination š When the jam is over, I plan to temporarily disable my stories so I can go back and rehash them a bit. I may delete the second one entirely, as, while it is a fun premise, I executed it so poorly that I would probably be better off doing it from scratch.
I'm the kind of person who hesitates and never gets anything done, or I jump in with both feet to get baptized by fire, there's no in between!