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(1 edit)

 this little admiral is my favorite!!!

anyway, this is such a cute and fun game!!! though im wondering how long will it take to spawn another stray? is there like a limit or smth? i have adopted 13 cats and have bought lots of stuffs. but it takes quite a long time to get another stray to visit


Awwwe I love your kitty! And thank you, I’m so glad you’re enjoying it ^^

If a new kitty doesn’t visit within a few minutes, then you’re at the limit of how many kitties can be visiting at once. The limit of kitties is based on how many toys + scratch posts you have, but there are diminishing returns, so it takes more and more toys to increase the cap further


aaahh so i need to keep buying toys and scratch posts to spawn new strays... okie okie. thanks for the reply!