Summer recreation
Pixel art for today based on videogame Super Adventure Island for game console Super Nintendo. We have here a 16 bit summer adventure. About a little human, who is at the island! So, he has fun everyday there, he is swimming in the river, run along the grass! By the way, I think that in winter it is so fun to play this game too. At the tv screen you see a summer. And a country house mood. And behind the window – winter. But game of course, has summer theme. Cool to play this game at the country house.
And this is my drawing about the same theme. So, at last, summer begins! And someone is going to his summer island. Whole island with summer! And summer fun. To run all day long in a shorts. And to play with big snails. To run with them who is faster and have a fun. And snails also are having fun. And they are smiling too.
Little crow is saying – kar kar. This means hello, to his good friend. And so little crab is crawling. And speaks about to go to a river to swim. Water is so good, best thing ever! Little duckling is running and call to swim. And chicken is calling to run in the grass. What will you choose?
And also, here little bugs are singing their songs in a bushes. And it is a summer weather. But also, sometimes, it is raining days. So, at first you need to reach a summer house. It is something like first level. And now it is only a picture. Later, to play with snails. Later, to swim in a river. And it is evening time. Back to summer house. So, it is so fun, if one day to get skills enough, about to learn how to program all of these!
Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
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