BY THE WAY are you okay with getting your levels mapped into sourceports of the id tech 1 engine? UDMF¹ — i’m asking because i wanna practice and support you at the same time =3
[1] Universal Doom Map Format
for anymany’s interest i’m learning SLADE (map editor - designs the game), to use with GZDoom (open source game engine - plays the actual game) aaand this way i don’t need to program while also getting DOOM’s degree of compatibility to share anything i make hehee
final note: if you doubt this engine i dare you, dear reader, to watch gameplay footage of HEDON I & II here on
okay this post is getting long because i got excite!
i’ll just link to more gems from GZDoom (some are 1:1, then at some point long-running projects tend to modify the engine to use stand-alone engines. because you can do that with this small of an engine!) · list of ones /not/ published on steam · list of ones published on steam
P.S there’s also networking services up and running, similar to GameSpy but open source. idk much about it so nobody ask me abt that yet ¦X · DoomSeeker · DoomExplorer
okay infodump over. gosh i love exiting the mainstream.