Hey, thanks for the comment! Maybe prototype isn’t the right word for it? I didn’t have time to put it through a balancing pass before the deadline 😞 but yes, it definitely needs one! Would tech demo convey that better?
But yeah, I certainly wouldn’t start the game with all those slots open, or access to the double barrel turrets. The slime spawn timing and amount needs to be based on a curve rather than relying on just the RNG! I had wanted to add other features like ground defences, such as pit traps, spike traps, etc, that opens up further along.
This entry, at the very least, was more a proof to myself that I could have the moving parts built and put in…in 4 days too. I spent too much of the game jam changing my mind about what game I wanted to make, what would be feasible with what little “on-my-own” knowledge I had of Godot. It was a massive learning experience. All the courses and tutorial in the world can’t help you learn something until you’re willing to apply that experience into something else, on your own. Taking off the training wheels, so to speak!
This comment has gotten a bit long and probably could’ve served better as a post mortem, LOL.
Once again, thank you for your time, and your suggestions! I appreciate the input, it helped reinforce some ideas I already had and gave me some new ones to consider 😁