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It's such a pity that I can't support the game because of my country and lack of money... But this game is damn good. I love the style and gameplay, no jokes, it is pretty unique to me.
But I got some questions and problems...
So, the main question is - where is the end of the demo? I think I already got all scenes with mobs of first 3 worlds, but this boss of the jungle still have star on it... As I got it, it is the end now, right? I just can't find where it is written what exactly do we have in demo... And maybe it worth to write changelogs here?
And secondly... What these flowers that spawn on the map and can be obtained with artifact of big slime for? 
And probably biggest one for me... Maybe I am a bit blind, but is there a zoom button in battles to see scenes better?

And speaking about problems...
Well, firstly, it is pretty easy to overlvl. When I finally was able to find where to lvl up spells, I had pretty much of arcana from slimes... And I didn't saw that spells have to be bought and thought I will get them during the worlds, so I send everything in my 1st spell... And it becomes a bit too powerful, one-two shotting mobs. So that's why I didn't get why I can't get scenes (afterwards I used lightning in moon spells to get them. And love dragon in jungles and boss hellhound). I am not sure, but I think it worth to give a limit to lvling the spells... Or make higher cost. Because when after leaving 1st dungeon I am able to one-shot most of the enemies is not funny... Actually it is, but still.
And second one that I found... Shield + explosion. I don't know if it supposed to work like this, but in sun book when we click with mouse on spell, it casts without QTE. And because of that, I am able to spam shield and explosion. And the most problem is, as I got if, even if shield have 1 hp remaining, no matter how big damages that it will get will be, shield will get it fully and HP won't be used. I am not sure if it a bug or feature... But I think I have to write it here. But it is pretty funny at least. 

And last one... I am not sure how it is in gameplay, but on the phone I wasn't really able to play. Maybe because of the small screen, but it was pretty hard to move around and use the arrows. And I still wasn't able to see peeking scene properly on the phone because of that (I did it later on PC). 
I am not sure, but maybe add wheel with them on one side of the screen will be better? And use touch to move "cursor" and camera in this scene.

And so, with best wishes
Manticora (maybe futa one) waiter (day 2.)

First of all, thank you! <3 both for the very kind words and the very thorough review ^^

  • End of the demo is where you are. There's still a Star indeed,but it's the end nonetheless. That's on me lol.
  • The flowers have no use in the demo. You can still collect them because the full game continues from your demo save file. They are used to upgrade items.
  • There is no zoom button, would be worth adding it.
  • To address the phone concern: thank you for the review, I'll look if there's something cool to do to aid with that.
  • Now for the very long paragraph: Basically it's all our "hidden" difficulty settings. The game is balanced to be beatable with all spells lvl1. But who am I to restrain you from over levelling? You seem to be having quite a lot of fun ^^ It's the same thing with the "clik on spells to avoid QTE". I call that mechanic "easy mode", you can call it whatever you like :P. That being said, we are currently adding the end-game difficulty scales.

Well, it really was fun to use easy mode... Though I wasn't really able to kill the last boss without easy shield abuse... But well, will see what it will become in the future...  With the power of "Q-top-double arrow up" fire, thank you for your answer!