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A member registered Nov 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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The boss is beatable but her scene is out of the demo. The beach scene is a demo bug that doesn't occur in non-demo versions. Since we're 3 weeks away from release, it will remain like that.

that's the end of the demo :)

No, patreon and full release only

This can happen in the demo when the game launches without being in focus. Relaunching the game while not touching anything else while in launches usually does it. Also make sure you have extracted the .zip and not launch it from inside the zip

This was the prequel, this is an entire new game :P The prequel is Magical Waifus Academy

The demo ends after the jungle. The full game will release on Android, Pc and Linux august 1st. It will be available right here on itch!

Normal, the demo ends there

oh thanks a lot! Ill be able to fix it more properly :)

The unavalaible scenes are only in the patreon/full version yeah

Cheat codes are for patreon only at the moment, they will be released with the full game comes august 1st

Sadly uploading to steam isn't on our hands :( It was but then they decided they didn't want the game. It happens, so is life. It will be available in 32 days here on itch :)

Thank you for the kind words :D

Bro there were 2 small bugs that got fixed immediately when we were made aware of them. It's a demo. it's normal

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The bosses not spawning is fixed now. The computer is indeed not translated to chinese for the moment :( I forgot to write it when writing the post

published a fix for it, ty for the report

you don't want to open that file. that's a .windows file. it's used by the game but it's not relevant to be opened. it's just game data made upon compilation of the game

ty for the report, will investigate

All the monsters in the gallery are available in the demo :) Now I don't know exactly what monsters you are talking about, but if you are talking about the jungle, you gotta sleep a bit for the monsters to actually come out after you bring ayla to the beach

There a couple yes, the ennemies with coloured skulls on the map is what I consider mini-bosses. There are 3 big bosses in game, 1 of which is the end of the demo (in the jungle).

This is only the demo for now, the full game releases August 1st :)

Currently this is the demo made from v5. Patreon is up to v10, and the full game releases august 1st

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Yeah this is the May demo. It's the combat tutorial that resets. Try downloading the new one (June) and redoing the tutorial in the training grounds (there are 2 scarecrows, one of them redoes the tutorial)

Fixed a bug with the jungle in the demo

The sketches and thus entire story can be found on patreon still, but that's it

I sure would love to know! Everything you say here is true. But every platform has toughened up on adult content lately. I don't think we'll ever see reversals like we did in the past.

August 1st!
And sadly Steam doesn't really give reasons as to why they decide to not publish games anymore :(

Sadly it was scrapped in the end. The artist who made it originally couldn't finish it. We had a few people try and redraw it but it never worked out. It's like cursed! Plus since it costs a lot for basically 0 return, we're not in a rush. If Magical Monstergirls Academy does well it will be a bonus :)

We may, but the issue with DLsite is the censorship. Since all the sprites are well... sprites, we have to do all the censorship by hand, for every frame. It's a loooot of time and a lot of money :S
Anyway, we may, but it's unlikely.

We're glad you like the game :D

Agreed, but it is what it is. We are still very pumped up for the release :D

The full version of the game will absolutely be on itch :)

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There is one in the full version ^^ (currently only on patreon, coming this summer here on itch)


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this is as far as it goes for free updates, except languages.

The actual demo when the full game releases will be shorter

I wish I could make free games, but sadly life is not like that

depending on the version my answer will be different. Please DM me on patreon or on the patreon discord server as to not accaparate the public forum :)

Delays on the translation. It will arrive later. I cannot tell when it will arrive exactly.

only delays, but delays still :S

Click on the pink text

we are having problem with said translator....

First of all, thank you! <3 both for the very kind words and the very thorough review ^^

  • End of the demo is where you are. There's still a Star indeed,but it's the end nonetheless. That's on me lol.
  • The flowers have no use in the demo. You can still collect them because the full game continues from your demo save file. They are used to upgrade items.
  • There is no zoom button, would be worth adding it.
  • To address the phone concern: thank you for the review, I'll look if there's something cool to do to aid with that.
  • Now for the very long paragraph: Basically it's all our "hidden" difficulty settings. The game is balanced to be beatable with all spells lvl1. But who am I to restrain you from over levelling? You seem to be having quite a lot of fun ^^ It's the same thing with the "clik on spells to avoid QTE". I call that mechanic "easy mode", you can call it whatever you like :P. That being said, we are currently adding the end-game difficulty scales.

I don't know what to tell you mate... it's already there XD

Seems like your phone isn't strong enough :S 1.5Go of RAM is on the very low end to accommodate for load spikes

Can you tell me what the specific error message is?