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My gaming experience:

1. It was difficult to understand what was happening with gold. Gold increases and decreases. At first I thought that it was produced in houses and did not understand why it suddenly began to decrease. So far, after a few games, I was able to realize that it was decreasing from the purchase of units and cards. It would be necessary to accurately show the purchase of a unit and a card (quickly or instantly reduce gold).

2. During the battle, when choosing a map, it is better to highlight the available units. To make it clear that the card must be given to the character.

3. After the battle, at the campsite, if you click on the character, a fatal error occurs with the loss of game progress.

4. It’s unclear why the cleric doesn’t heal; when I bought them, I expected them to be useful to the party.

5. It is not clear how to cast magic as a wizard, the same as a cleric

6. It is not clear what the “blue circle” indicator under the “red attack circle” means

7. I expected red enemies to be stronger, but they are just as weak as green ones

8. the bosses are really strong, there is a lot to think about in order to defeat them, this is a good meta (think about the game after the game)

9. I didn't like the graphics :), but that's good because most casual players will be fine!

Thank you for your feedback! I will implement some of these changes as soon as I can. 

I had the gold increase as a graphical effect, but I understand why that would be confusing. I’ll remove it. I also removed the unit classes; they’re a remnant from an older system that hadn’t been totally cut out yet.

I didn’t think about how enemy color would influence your perception of them. Thank you for pointing that out!

I don’t understand what you mean in #6. Which blue circle are you referring to?

"I don’t understand what you mean in #6. Which blue circle are you referring to?"

when you move the mouse over a character, an information window pops up: Name, type, and two numeric parameters.