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A member registered Apr 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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yeah I’ll have to tune the values a bit. Thank you!

Thank you for playing it! You're right, the scoring system is a bit strange. It would probably make more sense if the high score represented the amount of ore you collected.

(1 edit)

This was pretty cool. I really liked the double jump mechanic, made me audibly say "OH?" I agree with the other comments that the constant halting was a bit annoying, but I think this idea has a lot of potential. Reminds me of Brook from One Piece!

I couldn't really understand what was happening. There didn't seem to be any feedback to my interactions, so I couldn't tell if I was doing the right thing or not.

I had fun once I understood what was going on! Figuring out the perspective was a fun challenge.

Thank you! Yeah, you have to turn around and boost the other way. I thought about adding an air brake, but the concept didn't make sense to me.

What do you mean? I haven't come across that bug.

(1 edit)

Thanks! haha I haven't played a spaceship game in years so that makes sense

True, I was going for a floaty feeling but maybe I should tune it down a bit

I liked the idea a lot. The interface looked great and overall it was pretty clever.

I wasn't a huge fan of the gameplay. I didn't really understand what was happening when I was playing so I was just spamming the buy button when the stocks would hit zero. It felt nice to play, though!

That’s interesting, I thought I had a good strategy but I’m topping out at 13.5 haha

Thanks again for playing!

thank you! Just curious, but what was your high score with that method? 

thank you!

Very good point. I wanted to add a settings menu to adjust audio volumes, but I was running out of time.

Thank you for playing!

Thank you!

I could add that after the jam. I just ran out of time haha

Thank you! You were right. It should be fixed now.

Can you see them after the first drops, or can you not see any of them?

I really didn’t understand this game. Even after reading the instructions, I couldn’t understand what I was supposed to do or how to “win.” I wasn’t sure what the different colors meant or why different blocks could have the same number AND different colors. 

Thank you for your feedback! I will implement some of these changes as soon as I can. 

I had the gold increase as a graphical effect, but I understand why that would be confusing. I’ll remove it. I also removed the unit classes; they’re a remnant from an older system that hadn’t been totally cut out yet.

I didn’t think about how enemy color would influence your perception of them. Thank you for pointing that out!

I don’t understand what you mean in #6. Which blue circle are you referring to?

Hi! Just wanted to update you that I’ve added enemy movement in the last update. I’ve also implemented movement as a card effect, which I’ll push in the next update. 

Thank you again for the feedback!!

Thanks for playing! There are some cards with different targeting, so you can hit a wider range. Maybe I should make that more clear!

I’ll investigate the bug you encountered and see if I can fix it. Do you happen to remember  what you were doing before it came up?

thank you for playing! The fullscreen issue is my fault.  I need to fix the iframe on itch. 

The movement issue is a good point. I have some ideas for movement updates that I’ll work on. Thanks again!

Hi! What do you mean by shuffle? I’ve added enemy movement that I’ll push in this week’s update, or did you mean something else?

Thank you for the feedback!

Thanks for trying it out!

Do you know what the issue might have been? Could you also share your PC specs (browser, processor, RAM)? I want to run some tests to try to figure out what the problem was so you don’t run into it again. 

I should be able to push an update in a few days. 

I spent about two weeks on this prototype. I stripped all the more complex elements of my idea away, and tried to leave it as the bones of the concept: killing bad guys and solving puzzles. 

I just published Protect the Princess, Unity's Featured Game from February 2022, for free on Itch! It's an endless, arcade-style game that challenges players with a simple concept: attack with one hand, and dodge with another. Can you keep an eye on both characters at once?

I made all the animations by hand, along with most of the UI elements. Other assets, like music, sprite sheets, or sound effects, came from other talented creators across the web, including here on Itch!

No download or payment required!

Play now at

Looking forward to hearing your feedback!

hey, sure! would love to see the final product when you’re done!

if you need more assets I’m also happy to produce some for you

I just released a free pixel art pack with spritesheets that cover a lot of the things you'll need to make a space-based game, including two tilesets, an animated character and enemy, some ships, and more.

Pixel Space Platformer by ranjansikand (

Let me know what you think!

Hi everyone! 

I released two free pixel sprite packs today. One includes 3 animated mushrooms, and the other has some assets to display health bars or other things in your game. 

I’ll be releasing more of them soon, so if you like these, then stay tuned! Feel free to post requests in the comments, and let me know if you end up using them. I’d love to see what you came up with.

Hi guys!

I just released my free game, BlockDown, a procedurally generated runner with power-ups and gradually increasing difficulty. Give it a shot and let me know if you like it!