oh thanks, but could you please tell me how to do it? Because she always digest faster
I think you should add that she run faster then she see you with the book(for example)
in this case, I propose adding to the game the ability to hide, for example in a locker or under a table, but if she notices you hiding, she will simply get you out of there, also make it possible to throw objects to distract her, I would also like to suggest that you there were two attempts to escape from the stomach, one with a high chance, the second with 50% and the third a guaranteed defeat, but you can do it at your own discretion
I do like the suggestions but I do not plan to add hiding. There should not be any spot where you can go and she will never look. Each encounter should feel like a "I hope she does not come my way".
Object to distract can sorta happen already but I may make items that can be thrown to distract although I do not think it will fit.
Escaping from any pred in this game is supposed to always be a low chance but I am considering on increasing the escape chance.
I might add a poll to vote on somethings in the future so I can adjust things.
So if you don't want places where she will never look , you can make like in game called Monstrum, there if monster near you and you are in locker there will be 60% that monster will open your locker
Making objects that can be throughable will fit(this will be a good thing for paper)
The chance is pretty low in my case 90% is where i died and 10% where i escaped