Personally, I felt it had a lot of potential. Perhaps branch out the story some more, iron out some details and that. All I did was pick up trash... that doesn't make for a great - even good - horror / scary game. Sure, it was somewhat tense in some moments, but would I consider this a scary game? No, not really. I repeat: all I did was pick up trash, read some letters, and drive to the next stop. But! There is potential here. Just look at the game "Trash Night" by 616 Games. They did an amazing job with the plot, and what a twist! I think if you add layers, some background to the story (because all I got to know was what the letters said, which wasn't much either), and - most importantly - add something that compells the scaryness. An ominous presence, even a little shadow, is not really enough to convince. This would be fun as a trashman simulator, but a horror game? Maybe not so much. 3/10