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(1 edit)

idea for this game because theres 2 many of these type of games

add a day time

then give the girls a daytime cycle 

give the player jobss they can do to help the ladys

then at night time the owner goes home and you find out your a android meant to breed and keep the girls from hunting men down your job is to tame them at night time and at day to assist in the tasks

while you do this you must remember to recharge and at random if the girls havint recharged by breeding or even not getting paided you must go up to them and breed them in the daytime

maybe make the button say give the fans a show

you could also add secret rooms made for the girls and us and if we get caught in these backrooms areas when its not ours the girls will pick us up and torture us maybe with a 3 times caught end screen of the girls being lost to the owner and with the screen slowly flying into the wall as we can hear moaning behind it with all the ladys breeding our robot body and maybe our heads broken open to stop us from screaming or something

just thought so many games copy paste the same thing this could be a nice change of the normal while keeping the normal

you could add breeding rooms with maybe even female guests that come at set times and we must customize ourselfs aka cock to match their interest

I agree with this guy it would be nice to see something new and it would certainly make your game stand out

i mean i think the base idea is cool the issue is everyone does the night time thing it would be cool if we did more at day and in night we guarded them or maybe a prey/evil nun style