not bad but i do think you should also add the ability to be a female and mate from above
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id love to also see more aggressive creatures
this way you could be standing there trying to take a picture and the girl standing behind you or one of the other girls might just have the aggressive trait instead of running away her eyes will turn pink and run directly at you with intentions of mating over running away
like a lewd ambush
idea speaking animal
so the idea is you could chase after one of the girls then pin their legs at which you would go into a talking convo
so for bees it would be buzzes
i think you get the point
you could level this up and speak with each girl at which you could fake the pictures like asking one hey mind standing her and play with yourself
at which she will follow you and when you bring up your cam you could get a good picture
tho it would take time and studying to perfect this as you need to hear them talking to guess what each sound means
and another fix might be maybe she spawns in with a roar which alerts the players that shes hunting you and she hates tech this means she avoids our camps maybe something to do with sensitive skin this means the radiation from our beacons hurts her
this is why while shes not hunting for breeding prey she goes and hides in the cave systems
also adding cave systems could be cool for travel of all the creatures maybe theres a random chance they might use the caves to transfer to another zone like migration
id suggest doing that but make it so its a mister x style
maybe a loud predator like a trex girl or something that would make alot of noise
but my idea is more of a playfull style like once you get a croc to friendly she might hide behind you and wait till you look at her before she pounces you and uses you
2 mods with a new update to the sex mode
if someone activates sex they choose the poses
the new mode would be monster mode
where you start not in the house or van but in the manor as the starter enemy like gun game you must grab a ai or player invader
for the robber to choose the poses they must use some way to restrict movement
you could just use rope but you could also put more detail per enemy type if you wanted
universal poses could be added along side with chosen ones
so if your the first enemy you might have a pose called mimic or statue where the invader is frozen and cant move while you mate them
the invaders might have a chosen pose like full nelson or something harder then what the creatures are able to do
the roof stalker might have pounce and arch meaning when she jumps down she can activate a item to keep the invaders back arched as she pounces dat dick
another idea for a ghosty could be the grudge girl but as a adult
make it so she starts off shy and as she gets mad at us per day she gets hotter but at the same time more deadly
it makes players want to die by them if you give them 2 animations also
1 where she controls us and 1 where we control her
this mainly should be for all the ghosts if you gave them each a personality with the slowly pissing them off thing then it makes it seem more personal
another thing you can do is if you add the day per rage system you could add new animations based on the rage amount
first few days maybe they disapear before we can touch them
but later on they get so mad they want to fuck us to try and put us in our places to have it bite them in the ass or pussy litteraly
giving them each personalitys also helps here as you could make one blush while another might be more of a mother
oh also id suggest making 1 the alpha aka the one that is activly hunting us this would be picked at random
at which you can have all the girls spawned in doing things
idk how hard it would be but maybe a npc pathing system with goals in mind then setup pathing goals and animations once they interact with the areas
this could help you make it feel lived in by ghosts
id also suggest dropping the normal ghost hunting stuff for maybe a local friend
one of the ghosts could be your dead female friend her room mate told us she was there so we started to ghost hunt just to talk with her
but we got more then we bargined for
instead of the whole loading room maybe make it so we are at a campsite next to the house
with the room mate aka our girl at the current camp is inside the home
that would be the girls room mate who called us
you could tecnicaly merge the mainmenu and the first world together
with a laptop allowing us to travel to new areas
i good idea would be presistant ghosts
the first time you meet each they would be playfull
the 3rd time they might get annoyed
7th time they would start getting hostile with all of them having a tier 10 form
give them neon glow each based on their personalitys and each with their own abilitys to stop us
example one might have frost where the whole area would be icey colder and even cause you to become frozen
this could also make it fun to play long term to see their progression to being more mad and evil
you could also make a ending where once you claim all of the ghost girls at their tier 10 stages they all use their t10 modes to mate us in our personal bed and they even walk around the safe house just hanging out
would love to see highly resistant girls where you need to put fear in them to mate them
then adding a sexual interaction to the hanging areas
where when you place them with the rope around their neck the animation would kick out the stole but catch the girls with the demons lap as his cock rams deep into them with just enough rope length not to kill them when he does this
this wouldint kill them but scare them into submission
this would turn them from berzerker types into submissive girls instead of fighting you they will nuzzle your back instead of the leashes
the idea their so scared of getting killed they become fully loyal even trying to hold onto you only way you stop this is by sending them away with a command emote to go back to whatever they were doing
so idea of this is because of the enhancement feature where if you use it enough it grows and grows it would be cool if you could get so large your cock pumps the target with so much seed they cant move anymore basicly allowing you to get a free win
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut to win it does a new mode when you pop it inside you enter a grapple struggle not like the normal battle system for breeding
it would keep into the rpg mode but swap all the attacks for things like pin hold slam basicly things that would allow you to keep charge untill you cum
i always love playing with large cocked futa chars and id love to see this become a feature for when you get to the end tier like a goddess cock where its so large and the balls get so large you can bearly lift them
idk how far this can go but it would also be cool if the girl could get really muscler legs because of how heavy the balls and cock are
would love to see sex get added in the sense of futa's and males that walk around as civs and guards
civs wont do anything to you but if your captured and put on a stand or in a sense where your helpless they will come over and pay you to use you this would help you break your bindings as you can buy to get free from the station then you could find a bindings breaker and even skills upgrader to let you outplay the guards
the guards will hunt you down and put 1 binding on you only removable thru a breaker or a perk each time you escape your escape gets harder untill they place you on a free use stand where you start earning money
the downside simple each time a breeder cums inside of you makes you heavier and heavier untill you cant walk anymore and if you get to much cum you will die from to much of it this causing inner body death wont explain but you probly get the point
then you have the mistress shes a futa and she makes sure all the slaves are safe
you can see where she is on your map she will take care of you from showers to helping your body with any pains and this means she will help you clean out your pussy ass or mouth of all the seed you built up
after shes done the downside to her is she always puts you into a freeuse area and will always use you her balls fill you up around half your bar thats if she hasint had sexy her balls fill up much faster and shes know to be blessed by a sex goddess but this also has a rng system if she recently had sex with another mate her seed output will be lower
could be cool to have breakable clothing based on member sizes
and even unbreakable clothing types as well
breakables would break at a set member size so if someone has a breakable collar rank 1 this would be around 1-5 member size so small
but a collar rank 5 would be as large as a horse
unbreakable will stop sex even adding in a animation of us trying to force it in but failing
what id like to see with this is
bra with a tit fucking hole
the girls can also get a personality trait both on hate of breaking their cloths example a breedie might dislike horse cock sizes and in turn have unbreakable belt and collar on to stop anything larger then a normal shaft inside of them
but the other side will have ones who only enjoy these items breaking that if you break them with your size they will have a golden perk that shows up in sex that makes them dripping wet and want more from their drive to be breeded into the ground
idk if id class their stuff as good hmmm ok thats just insulting even if its not meant to be
what id class this devs games as is half assed not really bad but not fully designed they all feel like the dev just left them and walked away to make something new sorta sad as i do think they could make great stuff but everything ive played of theirs tends to be half assed and forgotten ware
1 thing that i have to complain about is the 24/7 falling to the ground when your horny
id suggest making this a diffirent negitive
1.anyone who sees your in heat will try to abuse this by requesting sex with you if you agree to this they will tie you up and abuse you
2.make it so theres a sucubus team with a head sucubus who are activly hunting the main player if you get horny you start to cum none stop untill its sated this can be done in two ways
1 is to let the sucubus tame you they cage you which is easy to break out of
2 is to find someone to force your horniness onto be it a willing or not so willing mate
the falling to the ground this is just abit to annoying if your build is based on being horny that it will make it not viable as a gameplay system
a few things id personaly like to see changed
1.a story with our girl being a knight maybe she starts guarding the walls then slowly works up to her being a elite and helping other factions out
2.add a stamina bar and make stun allow sexual intercourse as its the only way to heal this would play more into the stun being usefull as you would gain hp and mana from it
3.add multi si this means 1v1 sexual intercourse would be 1 for 1 stamina drain each sex should cost you say 25 stamina but with 2 mates this would increase to 50 stamina drain 3 being 75 and 4 mates being 100
if you loss all your stamina because you do this to early and dont mate only one mate then you will pass out and the enemys will rape you you take hp damage while your passed out
each mate before interacting with your sexual interaction will stand there masterbaiting while watching you breed and after a set amount of time they will moan and join the interaction while the plus of extra mates in a si is more hp and mana earned it also is risky as to many can cost you your life
id also suggest making stamina not be used in battle unless you wanted to use it for dodging but i do think it ruins the game if you do this also add a progressive strength this meaning you start with a knife and slowly earn bigger and better weapons
the end two weapons could be alt looks
1.sucubus futa meaning every hit causes the enemy to faint in lust and want to be bread :)
2. either a royal or holy knight or whatever you choose devski id suggest a royal knight and give her a ult of calling in other knights to come save her
question dev is there any way to transfer item data from 1 map to another map
like taking my item data from my first map then putting it into a new save so i can keep my progress but deload the old map
my main save has the old maps main radar table [idk what the main task table is called sorry]
id love to keep my normal save but just fix the map cliping so unless your able to do it yourself is there any way at all to transfer progress data from 1 save to a new one to deload the old map assets
idea what if the entitys worked at the company with you like their all some form of science project to send them in to guard the backrooms
every time you fail 3 times to a entity it becomes a permanit entity meaning example if you failed to the smiler 3 times her smile would change to another color at random showing shes not the girl at the officer with you now and when they mate you they might even say something like i missed staring at you after i won so many times i was forced to stay here and now i cant leave
sorta like you doom them for your failures
you could even have a database of all the entitys you fail to and if your not caught by one for x amount of days their naughty value will rise to a point were when they get you they might be very aggressive pinning you against the wall and forcing it out of you
more passive entitys would be much more sneaky but full on thirsty entitys will run like a wolf and have a really loud audio
basicly they have high speed high detection and are really loud as their a huge danger to your survival
more passive and tamed entittys might be slower but more sneaky and when they claim you they will be more flirty and soft to you
with the officer entitys being always their normal selfs
that one would be nice as well i know how a cc could be to advanced if its not a pre built system but id suggest you maybe look into making it for your 2nd game
but a simple unlock system could be nice as it would help people use their liked charters
id maybe suggest after you made this game either make a remake of this game or make a new world and add the systems i mentioned having the ability to populate the world could be really cool as it means you could spawn huge amounts of npc's and mate them
might be abit messed up unless theres lore about anyone being bred from birth is just a spirt over blood meaning not related
idk really how you would get past that
hmmmm maybe a corperation rules the planet anyone who you give birth to is taken and replaced with a random slave from their stocks this means when you or your mate gives birth the corperation comes down takes your kid but replaces them with someone random
we are basicly just breeders and breedies pumped with pure desire chems to make us want to breed each other
this is the only way i could see getting around the kinship
idea employee management
the idea is there would be a mode called dead at night
the idea is that you and your employees get sent to the backrooms to be breeded into submission
your bosses hate you and your employees and wanted a way to remove you without firing you they found a way to summon the backrooms at will in turn they send a drone thru to provoke the backrooms
the drone made many female and male entitys show up at the drop point
they would activate a device to open a portal in a hall way
the idea of this mode is at the start you are a low ranking employee to gain more employees and make your life easier you must be sent back in time by impressing the entitys and show off your skills
the first time caught the smiler will get you no matter which girl gets you
the entitys hate your bosses and want you to forge a empire after all of you have gotten strong enough the ending is you charging a set of 3 entity's in a mobile game style where your the last
you would need to face the 3 tenticle animals
the hell hound
the angelic crystal cat
the earthly winds fox
each will take on 10 of your employees if they fail to hold the line one of these 3 will capture you and game over happens
would love to see this game get a charcter creator so you could start as a premade person
like a futa dogo a futa cato futa warewolf basicly it would be nice if you could remove the birth system or add a system in place where say if i wanted to be a futa warewolf i could go around fucking all the females and it would give birth to new npc's with maybe a max npc;s limit and a delete npc's menu maybe with a customization system also so if you dislike the npc's you could make new ones
id also love to see sex screens be all accessable with pairings being promoted
its sad that some sex screens are locked behind set charcters would love to see this be removed for full range instead