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A member registered Jul 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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i mean its not a thing right now but I was thinking if you wanted to enable it then you would need to intentionally whore yourself out keep flashing people and earn money thru being lewd instead of selling drinks

if you did this a cutscreen would play at the end where your girl or guy starts to break down and then that character will become eternaly lewd and get a sucubi symbel which would enhance their looks but also 100% their corruption and on top of that would make it so you earn extra cash as you can keep going after your mate has had 1 round your person will ask the client if they can keep going if they answer yes you get asked

do you want to keep going to earn x2 cash

a option to turn your chars into whores

when you enable whore mode or sucubi mode it increases charm and corruption to 100% and make all the clients much more likely to request sex from you if you flash them

i know you probly dont want to do this but how about cock sizes with larger sizes aka horse size dicks being able to break a mates mind or alt make them addicted to it broken will make the mate useless mentaly and phy but addicted will make them fully loyal to the cock size if your master has that size they will continue to be loyal as long as you fill their loyality with your cock oh i mean their holes with your cock ^_^

this could also give some leanings to maybe some of the girls are kind hearted others rude af depending on their backgrounds they might try harder if their a kind heart because they dont want you to feel bad if your under the avg for your race but if your over the avg they will remark about how they like its size

another cool idea would be to add in a small dick mode where the goal is to breed many people but to do so you must grow your cock theres a few ways to do this

defeat a invader personaly

breed a mate

buy a potion that costs you like 9000 gold

or submit to the invaders and hope one is either horny and wants to r you or hope they have the rapist trait that will make them see you as lesser and do the deed with you

id love if you could enable a futa only mode instead of the mixed version

overall a great idea just depends on if you put the effort into making a full game or go down the route you have been for some time now

i do hope you make this much more detailed and filled with content even if its a dlc content

i mean id say do whatever your comfortable with i know last time i gave ideas or request they were abit to much for you so im just here all i remember was the 2d game you made which i think was the same game name was well muh there wasint any main path and it felt well rushed so i do hope you put more effort into this one and maybe make it more fleshed out then the first one

another cool interaction would be you have a bed that blocks a way and you have to press e to enter the crawl space if the entity is behind you she will climb in behind you if she sees you enter but if she gets you while you enter she will just appear right behind you you wont be able to move untill you turn your cam as you turn you will see her on top of you and your body at which a animation will play with her teasing you and mating you in the crawl space

also id like to see a vent system and other girls be added

like adding zones and objectives in each zone like a fnaf style where you have a few entitys all active while your doing your thing

idea for interactions

a crawl space both you and the entity can get stuck in

a interaction where when exiting a crawl space as the entity gets to it you bump into her ass or pussy and then she mounts your mouth

locker interaction where if she sees you enter one close enough she will open the door and join you all while fucking you inside one

used by both the entity and the girl in the shadows the entity sneaks up behind you and pushes you onto the counter where the shadow girl will mount your head as the entity fucks your cock

someone should make a mod that all people with a cock wake up with a hard on and you have a 75% chance if you have mated with a sub they will enter your room at night and sit there waiting for you to choose who you want to waste your hard on on

maybe even guards might ask

hey dev i was wondering how hard would it be to mod in a ranking list

i was thinking it would be cool to have a ui eliment that tells you whos the highest rank/level among all the roles

so for example the highest rank for the guards would be the warden and for engineer the head engineer

same for the medics it would be eli

but for prisoners it would always change depending on their levels

another feature that would be cool is if each person had their own story

example nova

her guard duty is where she normaly is

her bunk is in a restricted zone [id love to see the guards have their own bunks where you could interact with them if you can get out of your cell at night]

another cool feature to be added would be joining the guards

and also becoming a boss of a mob in the compound

as the boss you can do whatever you want to your mob members

but as a guard you have a level of abuse if you abuse a mate you have to talk with the warden

but the warden can also grant you perms to give them a hardcore punishment like stocks breeding

another cool thing would be events

example if someone is marked as a stocks breeding target you will see a event message this person has been marked to be breeded have fun and enjoy

another cool thing would be if the stocks had a 2nd version for breeders

a bench that had a collar cuff and arm cuffs this way you cant get away but no leg cuffs as you could make a thing for the guards when they release you they might breed you and you might be requested to give it to them which would have your oc thrust up inside of them from the laying pose

id also like to see a lust virus or curse added where people can get changed into a mindless sex hungry creature

but can be cured thru sexual intercourse and might even join you if you save them

nice idea just needs better work

honestly this reminds me of the normal daggan id maybe suggest timing some time to make 3 era's of advancements with each having farming mining automatics millitary and idk about this one but either lust or slavary

lust means all the creatures/furries have high lust so their tech is desire driven

or slavary which as you could guess this is more forced

i know the devs not comfy with forced stuff so id suggest the lust side

new breeder perk
Name= Breaker / Broken

the perk needs to be activated and grows in strength based on the amount of times you buck your partner

it needs 3 times to be activated

with 25 times to become a 100% chance to break your partners mind

once your partners is broken in they will become loyal to you at which point like the slaves you can do 3 things with them

slave they will be free but when you walk around they will welcome you and even offer you themselfs

broken toy they will be found having sex with anyone that wants to fuck them

broken breeder of payments they will activly fuck people and make credits for you

for those who wonder why

well i have a broken kink and find it quite hot and seeing the games name is broken dreams cc i think this perk/trait could be a great one to be added

dumb idea for an update but story mode

so the idea here is while your playing you could record your playthru

this would record your path and create a log of what you did and your oc would even show up from time to time to sorta push their weight around or even ask to have sex if your a sub

it would record your oc and their actions

when you interact with art if you broke them hardcore as a dom then art will be broken and even say the first oc's name as you walk up to them

this would also copy paste anyone who is a random and disable new randoms

this would also pair with my next request

CC update

can we please get the char creator to take oc id's

with us being id 0 and each oc having a id beside their names

you open debug then hit open cc from there it will ask you for an id say if i wanted to change the fur style of id= 500 maybe their a sharky and i want to give them something i can

like making a custom story this would also play into the story mode

no joke thought this was a game then i saw vrchat model and was sorta sadden

biggest issue

1. no proof this even works could delete this at any time and no money would get refunded even tho technicaly this would be stealing and highly illegal but itch still allows that bs

steam deletes your dev account if you do that bs

3.remember to sell these on your own personal page as theres 0 proof you even own this model let alone made it

the truth is itch allows everything and anything and the proof this is yours is 0 to none

lol i could make see the mc and mar both having the ability to turn into futa's the mc maybe also having a female and male form as well to breed her with

with and you get to sex her aka be the top

but loss and your the bottom :) meaning she takes you in whatever form you put her in if shes a futa she will fuck the male or female on their tummy or back

but if shes a female she will put you in a whole list of self pleasing poses

from licking her out to even putting you in a amazon pose

hey idea

Sucubus mode
the young heroine no longer needs her shield and weapon instead she uses her body to please her mistress she no longer dies or ends the game when filled to the max with sperm

she gains a spell to stun a enemy

she cant damage enemys but after shes breeded them she will perma stun a enemy to be used for later to heal her

i know id support the project if it was both fully inclusive to interests but also had good gameplay

as most lewd games tend to skim on content for sex if this was full range with decent gameplay it could be great

this would be cool if you explored a whole range of enemys from demons to futa orcs and giants

just go rouge and make a huge sum of enemys for the game

idea for a new update

lust driven virus

we make our way after being called by the doc to get tested for the virus

a new stat called corrupted shows the higher it is the closer you become a lewd zombie who just has sex with everyone and everything

the story would involve you acting as a plauge doctor going around helping the doctor gather info on the virus

two things you could add is a sex screen with the doc


that tavi our little she demon has a immunity to the virus
mainly playing into the demon element tho you could change this

our goal is to cure everyone and at the end we get to choose to keep it around make the hive mind of the zeds is a hotty and you want to keep her

or you purify the station n get rid of her

idk if i ever mentioned but could you change the freeroam mode to be less hostile while making a normal mode version where at the end of any sexual encounter she kills us inside the arena

but in free mode maybe she fakes the kill and then places her blade next to our head while resting her head against our chest or leg if shes giving us a blow job

i mean i think the base idea is cool the issue is everyone does the night time thing it would be cool if we did more at day and in night we guarded them or maybe a prey/evil nun style


gonna take a wild guess and say you didint know how to do 3d gameplay :) tis fine just depends on how you make this game

ive seen good and bad 2d games tho sadly they mostly become bad but not in all cases

fair ill make sure to follow you to see what you do in the future heres hoping its good :)

(1 edit)

idea for this game because theres 2 many of these type of games

add a day time

then give the girls a daytime cycle 

give the player jobss they can do to help the ladys

then at night time the owner goes home and you find out your a android meant to breed and keep the girls from hunting men down your job is to tame them at night time and at day to assist in the tasks

while you do this you must remember to recharge and at random if the girls havint recharged by breeding or even not getting paided you must go up to them and breed them in the daytime

maybe make the button say give the fans a show

you could also add secret rooms made for the girls and us and if we get caught in these backrooms areas when its not ours the girls will pick us up and torture us maybe with a 3 times caught end screen of the girls being lost to the owner and with the screen slowly flying into the wall as we can hear moaning behind it with all the ladys breeding our robot body and maybe our heads broken open to stop us from screaming or something

just thought so many games copy paste the same thing this could be a nice change of the normal while keeping the normal

you could add breeding rooms with maybe even female guests that come at set times and we must customize ourselfs aka cock to match their interest

honestly saw this and id love if this had a ending that involved you being fucked

also it would be cool if you added a female model for the pred

i love killer v survivor games and love lewd stuff so as you can guess im into rape fetish/kink

which i think would work well in a game like this as a setting feature

well the idea is that females can still fuck you its mainly a domination game about dominating your foes

and while im not against futas i do prefer 1 side to be female i honestly dont care if it was the pc or the enemys while my pref is for the pc to be the futa i honestly dont care

honestly id love to see interactions with the girls

like maybe chica falls down and you can help her up and she will idk give you an item or maybe distract fredy for us while still being a threat if no interactions are had

maybe frankie could find you inside of a hiding area and she has a random chance of falling when she finds you helping her up makes her maybe blush and run off

im generaly fine with 1 futa and the rest being ladys but sadly this game dont have that

overall not bad of a game but could use more things to do

like pouring drinks

maybe hiring people

taking requests for items from traveling merchants

like a hero will ask you to keep an eye out for the ring of death or something and when you fullfil the request they will gift you huge sums of cash from time to time

3 things id love to see in this game

1. whole team retreat [this would be useful to save a team or even a member]

2.personal sponser [aka the ability to gift cash to people you sponser]

3.tactics and risk and reward systems

idea is to be able to mod how the ai acts

example do you want them to favor defence of allys over their self but your defence n risk higher this will slow their attack system down but allow them to guard their allys more at risk of tanking damage

alt maybe you want them to be selfish lower their risk and raise their defence this will make them run when they hit 25%hp and will also make them try taking no agro

id also love to see hiding spots where she can find you at random and instead of her killing you she will pick you up and try to mate you on a sacrfice bed

being mated here the bed will stab us taking a perma hp penilty and dying on it

will having a final mating screen where 4 girls spawn next to her they will all take turns on our oc and at the end one of the girls a big girl will take a axe and cut our head off

krasue games

are you planning to expand this game if not i think ill not donate but if theres plans to expand this game ill for sure donate to this game

ive been looking for a good kill v survivor /cat and mouse style of a game and it being lewd

(1 edit)

another outfit and idea

Blackout mode - no lights at all besides a flashlight

you gain x2 point rewards

new outfit - Shadow Creature

with a pure black body and neon outlines that show off her tits and pussy and ass she will only be seeable by fl or if you get with in breeding range

would love to see risk and reward items as well

maybe on thing could be her dead husbands ring this would make her always see us

it would grant us the ability to hear a heartbeat when shes within 10 meters away and if you get to far away to a point you cant hear the heart beat she will tp to you within that 10 meters

you would gain 10,000 points for this

you could also maybe trip her and you could steal her panties she would become angry at you and gain extra speed she wants her panties back

dead man aka hardcore mode

when you trip her she will drop her knife while shes ass up taking her knife she will go into the basement and get a huge butcher knife like clouds breaker sword size of a butcher knife

this gives her increased speed does not stack on panties and gives her instant kill you could also throw the knife to stagger her

id love to see a freemode version of the death animation

where instead of stabbing us at the end it would be her scaring us stabing the ground next to our head and then her laying her head on our chest

all and all not a bad game and not bad porn

tho would love if she had a sexy demon outfit

maybe turn her red give her horns and wings

with a dommy leather outfit on

the reason i say add war is to make it look truly diffirent making it look like the world is dying then after we cure it things start to get healed is a great idea

two events id love to see is

1. unlocked door [basicly the ability to leave your door unlocked and open this means anyone can enter this would have a 75% of someone who likes you enter and having sex with us and 25% being someone random]

maybe having a option to stay on your bed face down or face up if you have a dick then the partner has a higher chance if you like girls for your partner to in face down to lick your shaft and make you enjoy yourself face up being a rider

2. masterbation in the shower should have a dice roll of someone finding you exposed and asking if they can join you in intercourse or a sex screen